Hello everyone Im new and sad...Today I get to met with the elders so they can judge me and my actions..I recently moved in with my boyfriend and we are happy together...I need the elders help for a very long time. and I asked them to help me and they didn't..thay pay too much attenton to other things.So I began to feel anger towards them and feel isolated and sad. I know they are going to disfellowship me. I know my friends that I have there are not talking to me already...thats when I found out who my real friends are....and its not them....I need support.
Im Sad
by Mona 26 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome (((Mona))) !!!
at least you can be happy with you're boyfriend (don't let the bullshiter messed up what you can save ... if possible)
take care ... you'll get support and advice here I'm sure not get trapped in the Borg unkind strategy. -
Today I get to met with the elders so they can judge me and my actions
Simple...don't go.
District Overbeer
Undaunted Danny
Welcome Mona I was in for 33 years since 1957 exited 1-5-92
I know how you feel Mona.. the elders are not there to help you like they say they are. I wouldn't even bother going to the meeting.. We understand what you are going through. I hope you hang around and get to know us.
Welcome Mona
I am so sorry you are sad and upset that the elders only decide to pay attention to you because of hearing about you and your boyfriend.
If you choose to meet with them, maybe you should remind them that they have neglected you and that you still love Jehovah. Then you should share these scriptures with them from your Bible and read it out loud to them:
Romans 14: 10-12 "But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you also look down on your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgement seat of God. (11) for it is written: "'As I live, says Jehovah, to me every knee will bend down, and every tongue will make open acknowledgement to God'". 12 So, then each of us will render an account for himself to God.
I hope all goes well for you...and I am glad you have a boyfriend that loves you and gives you peace in your life.
Mona:I would honestly recommend you don't meet with them.
They will ritually humiliate you, as they ask lots of probing questions about your sex life.Since it's a foregone conclusion, that they are going to Disfellowship you, you have nothing more to lose. It sounds like the congregation are already treating you taht way, anyhow.
It sounds like you've already begun to have a new life, with your boyfriend. Enjoy that, and make lots of new friends. Enjoy your new life and leave the old one far behind.
When you don't turn up they will likely contact you. Would it be so hard just to say that you were ill, and couldn't go? You can possibly prolong the inevitable, that way. It may give you a little more time to adjust to the situation.
You will receive more support here than you can know.
Take care and we're rooting for you.
Former Elder. -
How old are you? And is yoiur boyfriend a Witness?
Elders are not therapists.
A true spiritual "brother" would want to protect your dignity at all cost. That is not what a group of elders will do in their cross examination of your private life. PLEASE don't allow them to steal your dignity and self worth. Stay away from them as they will do great harm to your sense of well being.
Since it's a foregone conclusion, that they are going to Disfellowship you, you have nothing more to lose. It sounds like the congregation are already treating you taht way, anyhow.
I agree. I would not allow them to humiliate you with personal questions, nor do you OWE then any kind of loyalty to show up for your meeting. Living with your boyfriend doesn't make you a person who deserves to be shunned by fellow witnesses, so why be connected with a group who feels different. Skip your meeting, and never go back......you'll be happier and much better off.