Congrats Seattleniceguy...
Brownboy....I thought you were not happy with this Fourm and said "goodbye?"
well, it's been one year since i first came to this lovely board, and i have to say, it's been a lot of good times.
thanks to everyone for keeping the homefires lit.. it was also encouraging to see so many new ones.
i'm happy to report that for the 2004 jwd service year (ends dec 14), we had spectacular growth.
Congrats Seattleniceguy...
Brownboy....I thought you were not happy with this Fourm and said "goodbye?"
There is some great advice here and I really dont have that much more to offer.
I am in the middle of raising two teenagers myself and have had the same complaints as you.I have learned lately that if this is the worst they do,ie..dont keep their room clean( their rooms are horrid),need rides to their sport events,work and school then DONT SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF.....
Not only are their hormones rangeing and they are learning to grow into an adult, we, as parents, start wondering if we screwed up some where when things are not going according to plan.*sighs*.Not only do we feel lost/concerned about the way we have been raising our children but they feel even more lost as they are trying to find themselfs.
Just be there for them, respect them, and they will give back to you a 100 times more then what you have gave to them.There really is no book or rules on how to raise our children. It is all a trial and error bases and a learning expereince for us as well.
Chin up hon,as my mommy promised me it will get better.
Before you know it, you will be giving a speech at your daugthers wedding about how her room was such a mess growing up and your so glad that she changed and figured it out all on her own when she moved out to go to collage....( it's not really that far off.)
Don't sweat the small stuff...
well i fianally saw the orthopedic surgeon the other day and from the results of my latest tests and x-rays my left hip and right knee need to be replaced as soon as possible.
my hip is so bad, and that explains why i have been in such tremendous pain.
so this wednesday coming up i am going to the hospital for a floroscopy with cortisone both in my hip and knee.
I wish you all the best and here's hoping to a speedy recovery.
Glad to see you posting again you sexy kitten....
Love Morty
if you have not seen this video presentation by canadian singer/songwriter, sarah mclachlan, i encourage you to take about 4 minutes to watch it..
if this doesn't move you, i don't know what would.
very grounding, especially at this time of year.. regards,.
if so what was your experience with settlement of medical ?.
Funny that you mention this Xandria, I was just in an accident last week and I am still recovering from it.I dont know if your insurance runs the same as ours here in Canada but, I will be watching this thread for some advice as well.( I just recently posted about my accident)
I never had a accident with another vehical but, I did smoke a HUGE deer that did an awful amount of damage to my van. We are very lucky to be alive.
So far up to date, the insurance company as somewhat worked with me. They did have a rental van to me with in 48 hours,but I did have to come up with the 500.00 dollar deposit on my credit card.( not that I can drive the damn thing yet anyways) I have not handed in any bills yet for the medications,massage therapy and ambulance yet, but they did tell me to hand them all in and they would reimburse me for the ones that I have paid for all ready.I am not to sure when I will have a new van yet either.I am going to give them about a month to get all things straigthened out, then,if I am not happy with the outcome of things, I will for sure get in touch with a lawyer and see what my rights are.From what I am understanding though, here, you have " put out of pocket" first, then, you get back what your out of pocket. I am not to sure if we will be entiled to pain and suffering yet as like I said it just happened last week and we have not even disscused anything like this with the insurance guy yet.
Hope this was a little help for you. Have you had an accident recently?
Also, anyone know if I should ask for gas money to all the appointments to specialest and doctors appointments we have had since then and going to continue to have for a while? I mean I have to start physo therapy soon and I have a 45 minute drive each way to the city for this and they figure it will be at least 6 weeks.
the details of who to send a gift to will be getting pm'd to you all either friday afternoon or saturday morning!
according to the information i've found online the last posting day for standard parcels is dec 11th for usa and december 15th for the uk/europe, so you should all have plenty of time to select and send a gift, although sending sooner rather than later is prefered.
can everyone taking part post on this thread what things they like, what their interests are etc so that the person who is buying a gift for you has some idea what to get you.
I sent my gifty out on Nov 23 and have not heard anything yet.
The post office promised me it would only take 9 days tops.( I paid for that promise)
It was going to CT,USA. If you have received my gifty, could please just let me know. I am starting to get a little worried now.
christmas with santa at macys herald square.....ever see "miracle on 34th street" ?
well its all true!.
happy holidays and season greetings.... from mr. & mrs franklin j and children
Merry Christmas to you and your family as well Franklin.....
Very nice picture...
as some of you are aware, it is hunting season right now where live.the hunters have pushed (ran the deer out of the bush's) every bush that there has to be had around other word's ( for those who are not sure of what i mean) they walk all the bushes and woods to get the deer to come out to hunt and kill them.
killing the deer i have no problem with.
it's when the deer almost kill me and my family i begin to have a problem.. last night at about 11.00pm i was taking home my son's girlfriend home.
Gespro....Have you hit a deer as well? I am putting in my healing time watching need to be know what your trying to tell me...recovery has started..thank you for your concern...
Missy....So glad that your family were not hurt as well...You have to be quick when dodgeing those flying
Beenthere....My sons girlfriend is a doll....she has been here everyday since, getting what ever I needed..
under74....I am so happy that my son was not injuryed to badly has well..thanks for your concern..
County_women....Thank you for your kind words...Your gift to me, could have not come at a better time...I have been laying in bed listening to your wonderful cd you made me and licking all the chocolate off my fingers that you sent...God, it tastes so good...Your wonderful x-mas card is by my bed side as well....Thank you so much for your gift to me...You have a heart of gold my friend.....Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Country-Women, and again ment alot to me....
Valis....I will get some of those things for sure for my next van....I have heard of those things before but thought they were just another gimmick to get your money...I am odering some right now...thanks for the info...
Love Morty(a bigto you all)
as some of you are aware, it is hunting season right now where live.the hunters have pushed (ran the deer out of the bush's) every bush that there has to be had around other word's ( for those who are not sure of what i mean) they walk all the bushes and woods to get the deer to come out to hunt and kill them.
killing the deer i have no problem with.
it's when the deer almost kill me and my family i begin to have a problem.. last night at about 11.00pm i was taking home my son's girlfriend home.
Thank-you for all your concerns and pms.I guess it could have been alot worse.
Just really bumed about it all, thats all.