Our lives were commandeered, our choices affected to the point that many of us stand in ruins, trying to put our lives back together and on a better course.
JoinedPosts by FlyingHighNow
For those who feel that their life has been stolen
by stillin inyou maintained a level of personal decency and integrity that you almost certainly would not have had if you had chosen another direction.. sure, you would have had some very "colorful" friends and experiences if you had gone another way, but you still chose the more "edgy" people in the congregation as your friends and you still enjoyed yourself, even if there were a lot of phony constraints.. you looked for ways to be of value to others.
don't stop doing that!.
you kept the darker side of your personality in check.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
by Londo111 inhttp://www.naturalnews.com/036112_sociopaths_cults_influence.html.
Sociopaths are masters are presenting themselves as heroes with high morals and philosophy, yet underneath it they are the true criminal minds in society who steal, undermine, deceive, and often incite emotional chaos among entire communities. They are masters at turning one group of people against another group while proclaiming themselves to be the one true savior. Wherever they go, they create strife, argument and hatred, yet they utterly fail to see their own role in creating it. They are delusional at so many levels that their brains defy logical reasoning. Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/036112_sociopaths_cults_influence.html##ixzz33bowTevD
Carl Rove, Dick Cheney, Fox News. Excellent examples.
The great poet Maya Angelou passes
by designs inher life embodied how the human spirit can rise from crushing conditions to mentor, role model and teacher.. she went mute for 5 years after being raped at the age of 9. in that time she found her inner spirit to write and speak for others.. her life course went from working in brothels to teaching in universites.
from broken home to addressing the nation at william clinton's inaugeration.. her poems touched millions of lives.
i know why the caged bird sings; on the pulse of morning; a brave and startling truth:.
What a precious treasure to hear Maya recite Phenomenal Woman
The great poet Maya Angelou passes
by designs inher life embodied how the human spirit can rise from crushing conditions to mentor, role model and teacher.. she went mute for 5 years after being raped at the age of 9. in that time she found her inner spirit to write and speak for others.. her life course went from working in brothels to teaching in universites.
from broken home to addressing the nation at william clinton's inaugeration.. her poems touched millions of lives.
i know why the caged bird sings; on the pulse of morning; a brave and startling truth:.
All of my heroes are women and I include Miz Maya as one of them.
My Child Has Asked Me to Divorce Husband
by HeyThere ini guess i am just venting.
its a mess.
i just dont even know where to start with this crap.
Before long you'll be back to singing this to him:
Did you say what scared him back into the thick of things?
My Child Has Asked Me to Divorce Husband
by HeyThere ini guess i am just venting.
its a mess.
i just dont even know where to start with this crap.
Hey there, I apologize for getting your intentions wrong. You love each other and that will help more than anything. Kids who have parents who are in agreement about religion and who've never cheated, still at times resent their parents. It's normal. I hope that as your husband sees the state of the organization and how dark and negative it is, he'll add things up and at least lose his fire for the JWs enough to become inactive again.
After leaving did the feeling go away?
by committeechairman inthe feeling that you're never good enough.
the feeling that you're wicked and evil.. .
because i'd give anything not to feel this way.
Regret is much healthier than guilt. Regret helps you come to terms with the reality of something. Guilt condemns you.
After leaving did the feeling go away?
by committeechairman inthe feeling that you're never good enough.
the feeling that you're wicked and evil.. .
because i'd give anything not to feel this way.
I was not raised in the jw org, so the feeling did go away. I imagine that could be more of a challenge if you were raised in from conception or a very young age.
Does Death Exist? New theory says "No"
by jam inmaybe someone can post "www.robertlanza.co.
i hope mr lanza is right in his theory because it is scary not knowing.
where in the hell i will end up after i die..lol.
Try breaking your femur clean through and tell me you aren't alive.
My Child Has Asked Me to Divorce Husband
by HeyThere ini guess i am just venting.
its a mess.
i just dont even know where to start with this crap.
my child was again telling me to divorce him last night. i think there is more to it all now than she priginally let on, and i told her we will not just leave we need to talk to him if she is that angry. she didnt want to, i told her i would. so i talked to my husband. i told him she is angry and wants me to divorce him. he is heartbroken. but hopefully this can start some deep thought and repair.
Think about all of the stupid things we'd do if we listened to our kids about adult things. They'd have us taking them on vacation 20 times a year and buying them everything they want and beating up the bully's dad and letting them change schools everytime a teacher made them tow the line. If you are looking for a way out of your marriage, don't let your kids be your excuse. It sounds to me like you want people to give you a green light, using your children as the reason. Divorce will shatter your kids' lives, and yours in ways you can't understand or imagine until you've been there. I'm not saying that divorce is uncalled for sometimes. I am saying it's not the door to an easier, happier life. One day your children will be asking you how you ever listened to them. They will be telling you that you are the adult and you shouldn't have let kids pressure you into making such a profound, life changing decision.