Yes, it was. But consider this:
You maintained a level of personal decency and integrity that you almost certainly would not have had if you had chosen another direction.
sure, you would have had some very "colorful" friends and experiences if you had gone another way, but you still chose the more "edgy" people in the congregation as your friends and you still enjoyed yourself, even if there were a lot of phony constraints.
you looked for ways to be of value to others. Don't stop doing that!
you kept the darker side of your personality in check. People liked you.
Of course, you were a self-righteous ass, you were drinking the Koolaid! Now you know. If you kept on with that attitude NOW, you would be a jerk. But you are learning tolerance.
there were real lessons learned about getting along with all sorts. Even psychopaths.
it may have been an erroneous course that you were on but it was the one you chose and that worked for you at the time. You could have done a lot worse.
I'm sure there are more snippets. Anyone care to add?