You started out talking Christians vs Atheists. Then you end with are you an athiest or believer? Which are you comparing?
JoinedPosts by FlyingHighNow
Are Christians more or less likely to be in favour of stronger gun control than atheists?
by Seraphim23 ini have no agenda with this post, if anything i am suspecting the results will be against what i would want to hear as a christian.
however im asking the question as i am curious as to the results.
my personal position is in favour of a total ban but i do live in the united kingdom, however many of my friends live in the states.
800 Infant Bodies Found in a Septic Tank at Roman Catholic Children's Home
by cofty in796 infant skeletons have been found discarded in a septic tank at the former mother and baby home run by the catholic church in ireland between 1925 and 1961.. unwed mothers were sent these "magdelene asylums" to be treated like criminals.
their babies - if they survived - were taken from them.
if they did not survive their bodies were thrown into a septic tank and forgotton.
I'm trying to remember whether it was the movie or some articles I read about the Magdelene laundries, but local authorities enjoyed some of the profits from the laundries. They turned over the girls and women to the laundries and received money for it. I recall, during my childhood, hearing girls say that their parents threatened to send them to live at the convent. We had no idea about the laundries.
My sister became pregnant at 15. She was sent away. My parents told everyone, including us younger siblings, that she went to Atlanta, GA to have her shoulder rebroken. Years later I found out that my parents placed her in a Roman Catholic Home for Unwed Mothers in New Orleans, LA. She spent her pregnancy there, then gave her baby boy up for adoption. She said it was a decent place, in a stately, rather large Victorian house. She was given her schoolwork to do. She had chores she was assigned. She got to do hobbies and watch TV. She got to cook meals. She was given an allowance and pernitted to catch the trolley and busses to go downtown, on her own or with other girls and women from the home. They sent her to the doctor on her own. She said the only bad thing was that my parents insisted she give the baby up for adoption.
An Indictment against GOD , A blood sacrifice or a non blood sacrifice.Cain & Abel.
by smiddy ini would appreciate your thoughts on this question : why would the almighty god sacrifice one of his creations in blood letting to appease him ?.
does this make any sence at all ?
god is supposed to have created everything living , human and animals , and then he wants / expects a human to execute one of his creations as a sacrifice to him ?.
Do you know that taking the Bible as the literal word of God is a relatively new thing?
An Indictment against GOD , A blood sacrifice or a non blood sacrifice.Cain & Abel.
by smiddy ini would appreciate your thoughts on this question : why would the almighty god sacrifice one of his creations in blood letting to appease him ?.
does this make any sence at all ?
god is supposed to have created everything living , human and animals , and then he wants / expects a human to execute one of his creations as a sacrifice to him ?.
Shouldnt he be condemning the one who took the life of one of his creations ? And be praising the one who offered a grain offering ?
How do you know he isn't? We know the Bible isn't written by God, so why try to make sense of God, by reading it? If you can figure out how nonsensical creature sacrifice is, then surely God finds those passages in the Bible that deal with sacrifice, non sensical, too.
Big Time Hypocrite
by Iamallcool inmy dad told me this story long time ago.
there was an long time elder that is never married.
he got caught going to brothel one day after a brother followed him there.
And women are so vindictive. They think that they are righteous because they are the "innocent" party but vindictiveness is not righteous.
Well, paint women with one broad brush why don't you? How are women vindictive?
Most of the time in a marriage, there is no innocent mate. There are all kinds of vows that can be broken in a marriage, but adultery is the one people freak out about.
What is spirit, exactly?
by Viviane ini've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Well, you of mediocre perceptive powers, couldn't be further off on this assessment, Viv.
FHN, you just proved, again, exactly my point. You are contributing nothing but failed attempts to put me down.
Not putting you down, just being honest here: you completely failed at grasping why I made the comment about deja vu.
I'm going to be honest here: I don't find you inferior. I do however find you a good bit prissy.
Another failed attempt. Still contributing nothing.
You come across as being prissy. It's not going to help you to be taken seriously by people who see through your approach.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
by Londo111 in
Be honest, Londo, did you ever feel comfortable with the idea that Jehovah would off billions of people on a technicality? I sure didn't. I would often ponder and lament about people, not famous and famous that I liked so much and didn't think deserved such a fate. I used to think, "Wow, this new system thing would be so much better served if billions didn't need to be offed. But rather Jehovah just stepped in and said, 'Okay, enough already you earthlings. Now it's time to straighten this mess out. Looka here, I'm in charge from now on. We're gonna fix all the stuff you messed up and get things going right. While I'm at it, I'm going to fix all of you, too. I'm the high anti-oxidant god. I'm going to stop those free radicals in their tracks and make sure you have all the right neurotransmitters and stuff.' "
What is spirit, exactly?
by Viviane ini've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Complete deja vu. Wow.
FHN, you yet again manage to contribute nothing while desperately trying to fine a way to feel superior to everyone.
Well, you of mediocre perceptive powers, couldn't be further off on this assessment, Viv.
That was a genuine deja vu. I've seen nearly those exact same comments, on a different thread, between Cailber and Jgnat before. I'm being way serious here. I had to do a double take.
Just to kind of make an effort to clear this up for your relatively newbie self, Caliber and I go way back and we know each other off the board. My comment was for him. Do think you think it even slightly possible that you are taking yourself and this thread too seriously? Like you've uttered over and over again, ad nauseum, this thread isn't about you.
I'm going to be honest here: I don't find you inferior. I do however find you a good bit prissy.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
by Londo111 in
There is good in the world and bad in the world. There is good in people and there is bad in people. There is good in government and bad in government. There is good in religion and there is bad in religion.
Sociopathic behavior in religion, politics and government happens right along with good, alutruistic behaviors. I see a lot of good and a lot of bad.
It's a good, even essential life skill to be able to sort out the sociopaths and their machinations, from the good, positive people and their efforts to contribute good things to us as individuals and to society and nature.
What is spirit, exactly?
by Viviane ini've always wondered that.
recently i asked that question on another thread and didn't really get ananswer.
cofty made an excellent point that we often hear what it isn't, but that really isn't useful.. so, what is it?
Why does it seem that some see emotion as an enemy? - caliber
Just because I don't use emotion to clinically review an unknown subject does not make emotion the enemy. Emotions can be very useful. Not so useful to rocket scientists or nuclear plant engineers. jgnat
Complete deja vu. Wow.