I know they brought in a rule some years back that Kingdom Mal-adies only are allowed at the KH but in the UK at the crematorium there is no reason at all why other dignified music couldn't be played.
Is that right? Wow.
a few years on and the funeral of my jw momma still galls me.
she left instructions for which kingdom songs to be sung and we gladly abided by her wishes.
the funeral was held in a public crematorium, not a kingdom hall.
I know they brought in a rule some years back that Kingdom Mal-adies only are allowed at the KH but in the UK at the crematorium there is no reason at all why other dignified music couldn't be played.
Is that right? Wow.
a few years on and the funeral of my jw momma still galls me.
she left instructions for which kingdom songs to be sung and we gladly abided by her wishes.
the funeral was held in a public crematorium, not a kingdom hall.
A few years on and the funeral of my JW momma still galls me. She left instructions for which Kingdom songs to be sung and we gladly abided by her wishes. The funeral was held in a public crematorium, not a Kingdom Hall. There were about 80 people in attendance, split roughly 50 - 50 between JW's and her family. The funeral directors asked what music we'd like played over the sound system as we exited the crematorium. I selected Rachmaninov's rhapsody on a theme of Paganini and even supplied the CD. The JW taking the funeral service over-rode our choice and played a kingdom melody instead.
For you, momma:
#4 there are two ways to get sins wiped outthe following five scriptures lay the foundation stone of christianity, namely, that christ died for people's sins.
virtually every christian denomination on earth accepts these bible statements without question: .
(matthew 26:28) "....this means my ‘blood of the covenant,’ which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins.
Sorry Searcher but you obviously don't realise that sins are not forgiven until you've sat in front of a judicial committee and subjected yourself to an examination in which all the minutiae of your misdeeds have been gone over with a fine toothcomb.
Good post, thanks.
..and Watford are in the Premiership! wooooooo.....
i think i'm just ornery when it comes to equality.
ever since i can remember, i've always believed that all people were created equal.
the colour of a person's skin is irrelevent to me.
can a parent slap or use a "rod of discipline" on their kids?
i know it's politically incorrect and perhaps illegal, but is it a personal decision based upon the scriptures or is it taboo these days?.
Under Section 58 of the Children Act 2004, it is unlawful for a parent or carer to smack their child, except where this amounts to ‘reasonable punishment’, though this is not defined in the legislation. As such, whether a smack amounts to reasonable punishment will depend on the circumstances of each case, taking into consideration factors like the age of the child and the nature of the smack. Physical punishment will be considered ‘unreasonable’ if it leaves a mark on the child or if the child is hit with an implement such as a cane or a belt.
It is illegal for teachers, nursery workers and child care workers to smack another person’s child. If a person is employed privately by a parent, such as a baby sitter or nanny, the parent may give permission for that person to smack their child as long as it is reasonable and does not amount to an offence.
this is on the reddit frontpage and sounds super weird.
can it be confirmed in any way by anyone here?.
Maybe they're going to give up their charitable status voluntarily?
i remember sitting on my daddy's lap and driving an imaginary car, i also remember sitting on my mummies lap on the front seat, without a seat belt whilst my dad drove a real car.
i remember we bought fish and chips from the chippy wrapped in yesterday's newspapers.
i remember bouncing up and down on my space hopper in the garden.
Food rationing. King George 6th dying. The Coronation - we kids all got a model of the coronation coach. The Suez crisis. Petrol was rationed again in 1956. Mopeds - so many mopeds buzzing around. Steam locomotives. Executions - our teacher would make us all bow our heads in prayer when someone was being hanged. My dad's car, a 1936 Armstrong Siddeley that reeked of petrol. The smell of chalk in our classrooms. Awful school milk, School dinners, 2/6- every week, sixpence a day.
i think i'm just ornery when it comes to equality.
ever since i can remember, i've always believed that all people were created equal.
the colour of a person's skin is irrelevent to me.
So what if no malice is intended? It is the consequences to others that are important. Political correctness isn't aboutyou...it is about the ones who are marginalized/silenced by dominant culture.
The intention may be good, but the reality is that life isn't fair. I've been on the wrong side of that unfairness as much as I've been on the right side of it. Constantly altering our language so as not to offend those who feel discriminated against actually only serves to highlight their differences and eventually smacks of patronisation.
Refraining from obvious insults is just plain good manners. However, insisting that the dominant culture walks around on eggshells for fear of causing offence - such as saying "Merry Christmas" will only result in many of that dominant culture becoming wearied and unempathetic to the minor culture.
It's all a question of degree and intent IMHO. After all, being offended hasn't yet proved fatal to anyone.
i think i'm just ornery when it comes to equality.
ever since i can remember, i've always believed that all people were created equal.
the colour of a person's skin is irrelevent to me.
I think I'm just ornery when it comes to equality. Ever since I can remember, I've always believed that all people were created equal. The colour of a person's skin is irrelevent to me. I recoiled at my JW upbringing when it came to women being "in subjection", my believing that marriage was a partnership, not an ownership, and that both parties were of equal value. I never cared about a person's sexual orientation, I reasoned that just because I couldn't understand the attraction it didn't mean that everyone else felt the same way. This is why political correctness so pisses me off. I know what I believe without PC people continually telling me what I should believe. I sometimes wonder if PC is actually driving folk into one extreme opinion or the other. IMHO, continually labelling people with the 'ist or 'phobe tag actually does nothing at all except polarise the person who isn't conforming to our own grand ideas. OMG - he called me an 'obe! I'd better change my views immediately! Yeah, that works....snort. Oh, and BTW, anyone who simply can't resist hanging an 'obe or an 'ist label on me after being infuriated by this post should know that I am indeed, globophobic. So there.