See the full discussion about this lyric from yesterday's post
wooo - missed that!
no, these are not new lyrics.
they are the original lyrics as to be found in the 1950 songbook: "songs to jehovah's praise".
the song is simply called "dedication".. the words may have been altered in recent years, but the "new" words are simply the old words being re-hashed.. we can't make a meal of this as some are doing.. just saying, that's all..
See the full discussion about this lyric from yesterday's post
wooo - missed that!
no, these are not new lyrics.
they are the original lyrics as to be found in the 1950 songbook: "songs to jehovah's praise".
the song is simply called "dedication".. the words may have been altered in recent years, but the "new" words are simply the old words being re-hashed.. we can't make a meal of this as some are doing.. just saying, that's all..
No, these are NOT new lyrics. They are the original lyrics as to be found in the 1950 songbook: "Songs to Jehovah's Praise". The song is simply called "Dedication".
The words may have been altered in recent years, but the "new" words are simply the old words being re-hashed.
We can't make a meal of this as some are doing.
Just saying, that's all.
the message would appear to be that jehovah needs money more than that old lady needs food:.
Take my silver and my gold, nothing lord would I withhold were the original words from the 1950 Songs to Jehovah's Praise, Dedication.
A couple of posters that had a great impact on me were maximus and amazing. I've not heard of them for a long time and don't know if they have passed.
I'm in contact with Amazing on FB. He's quite right-wing by UK standards and regularly argues with my friends.
oh dear.
i have a customer - dave - who gives me frequent and profitable work sometimes.
i'm retired but am happy to do a little bit part-time.. this morning i called to rectify some work he'd had done by a not-so expert "tradesman".
Ha! Just been back to see Dave to do another little job. He and his wife were sat around their kitchen table along with the local pastor from the Baptist church. Looks as though the dubs have lost him. Mind you, he is the most boring man you could ever wish to meet - maybe that's why he couldn't get reinstated.
Does anyone know if his last years were happy? I heard he was a great pianist.
He was indeed. Many years ago he composed a melody blending cartoon tunes with Kingdom songs.
By the end of March - I'll believe it when it happens.
In the meantime, I expect Lib/Lab MPs and Europhile Tories to go beyond sensible debate and throw any obstacles they can to prevent the triggering of brexit.
This is what the PM said just this afternoon:
please share your experiences with being labeled as "bad association".
i was labelled with limted and distasteful association after i was caught smoking pot at school with some of my friends ( i am not condoning drug taking as a teenager, drug experimentation if possible should be kept until after you have finished developing into adulthood) thanks and look forward to your stories........
Our CO, Tug Wilson, was a resident London CO who just worked the Greater London circuits. He had 2 boys with whom I used to play as a kid. Until one of them told me that his Mum disapproved of me and that our contact had to be limited. I was a bad association.
I still couldn't care less..
i grew up doing both.
while i was in the org, i didn't hear too much about fishing, but all of the co's frowned upon hunting.
their stance was jw's should not own a gun.
JW's have weird attitudes towards firearms.
I recall my JW momma avidly watching the archery at an Olympics contest and then becoming apalled when I took up shooting clays and skeet.