I would personally agree with the idea of the WT going in the digital direction, just look at the old watchtowers and awakes... they look like theyve been dieting...
JoinedPosts by TruthHub
WatchTower selling printing Press on alibaba.com
by TruthHub ina mr. noel steensen (google him) selling bethels printing press in new york on alibaba in china... what about that?:.
WatchTower selling printing Press on alibaba.com
by TruthHub ina mr. noel steensen (google him) selling bethels printing press in new york on alibaba in china... what about that?:.
A Mr. Noel Steensen (Google him) selling Bethels printing press in New York on alibaba in China... What about that?:
Profile editing
by TruthHub inhi guys..... i appologize in advance for probably being so dumb, but how do i modify my profile info and avatar pic, etc...?
again sorry for asking a silly question, its probably dead simple.... .
How Do They Still Preach & Teach The "End" Is Right Around The Corner And Never Get Embarrassed?
by minimus infrom from the very beginning, the watchtower has been wrong about every prophecy regarding "the time of the end".
they still continue to spout false information.. go out and preach before it is too late!
ALIENS!! (and the downfall of religion)
by disposable hero of hypocrisy inlet me clarify, when i say aliens, i don't mean shiny helmeted spaceship dwelling anal probers.
(although i could be proved wrong).
if any alien lifeform was found on mars or another planet or even a comet, be it tiny bacteria or even some form of non carbon based life form, would that not destroy religions grip on mankind?
MadGiant, I do see your points, and they are not without reason. I am not going to say I am right, they are only my ideas and I can very easily be wrong, but I am a person that considers the bible to be a very condensed version of the real story, it omits almost everything just giving the bear basics necessary. I believe that the most interesting things in the bible are the things it doesn't say. I believe that there is great truth in the colective knowlage of mankind, you just have to put the pieces together.
The Bible indicates that the whole creation groans and travails under the weight of sin (Romans 8:18–22). The effect of the "curse" following Adam’s "fall" was universal
The Bible does say that, but it is most probable that the "creation" it makes reference to is limited to the vecinity of the earth, if not the loyal angels would also be under the weight of sin since they are also part of creation...
And talking about Christ, consider this, what if he really died for a much greater cause? Theres a basic force in nature, some call it Ying and Yang, some call it Karma, but is basically balance and its vital for the existence of everything. The universe is in reality a great big soup of mathematical equations balancing eachother out. Every event creates an equation and another equation pops up to balance it out, these equations can manifest themselves in any form or event and normally happen automatically. But, the event of the rebelion and sin of Adam created an equation that could not be balanced out naturally and another event had to be engineered to create the equation necessary to bring back balance, if not the mathematical unbalance created by the events in Eden would have eventually ended with the collapse of all reality and the destruction of the universe. So Christ would have died for a much higher cause than we can understand...
The fact that there may be much older and wiser civilization swinging around the universe doesn't really make a difference... either that or I'm a complete nutcase, which is also very possible..
ALIENS!! (and the downfall of religion)
by disposable hero of hypocrisy inlet me clarify, when i say aliens, i don't mean shiny helmeted spaceship dwelling anal probers.
(although i could be proved wrong).
if any alien lifeform was found on mars or another planet or even a comet, be it tiny bacteria or even some form of non carbon based life form, would that not destroy religions grip on mankind?
In actual fact there is nothing really in the Bible to say that there isn't intelligent life on other worlds. If you read books such as Women and Angels, it would seem that the spirits inhabited other worlds before coming to earth (i.e: pointing to the stars and saying "I used to live up there when I was happy..."), in fact spiritual creatures themselves are alien life forms from other worlds...
But my theory is much wilder, and I'll probably seem like a real weirdo, but here it is:
I personally think that life on this planet was created, not directly by God, but by another race, all be it under gods guide lines. In many ancient civilizations there are references to beings from other worlds being our creators. I actually think life on earth was some kind of terra forming and genetical engineering project asigned to whatever race was chosen, projects that have probably been carried out all over the universe, resulting in countless inhabited worlds all over the cosmos.
I doubt that adam was the first humanoid to inhabit this planet, he was just the final result of many earlier prototypes, as could have been the case with many species on our world, hence the apparent evidence of evolution, an evolution that in actual fact would have be technological/biological development. Life on our earth would have started long long ago, and the first humanoids would also have existed way before Adam. When God says "lets make man in our image", maybe he was just talking about an upgrade to the creature that already existed on this world that perhaps wasnt quite what he wanted it to be...
I dont know, its just a theory...
Profile editing
by TruthHub inhi guys..... i appologize in advance for probably being so dumb, but how do i modify my profile info and avatar pic, etc...?
again sorry for asking a silly question, its probably dead simple.... .