Not unlike the JWs claims to promote Freedom Of Religion - then deny the same "freedom" to their own members.
Posts by Ajax
Pakistani Blasphemy Law Used Against Jehovahs Witnesses
by Bangalore inpakistani blasphemy law used against jehovahas witnesses.
WHY are Watchtower leaders OBSCURANTIST and how can we fight them effectively?
by Terry into read and understand this topic you will need to know two things.. following my telling you these two things you'll need to sit and think about them before you react and respond.. ************.
1. understand what obscurantists are and what they do and why .. 2. decide if want to be effective in refraiming your identity (the label given to you) as an ex-jehovah's witness in fighting them.
watchtower society obscurantist leaders.
Terry - Thanks for all your views, your expression of them is consistently educational.
I am one of the thousands who have benfited from this site for the past few years. (I used to post under another name).
I found you when I was in a bad place courtesy of JWs unique flavor of hate. I got some great advice from posters here, as we have mostly shared experiences in our lives. I quit long before the internet, when freed people had to suffer in solitude.
Imagine the joy at realizing that thousands were leaving just like I had, but now had a network of support, stimulating intellectual input in place of stupid propaganda. I've learned more here in three years than I learned in 15 years as a JW.
I would love to meet so many of you. Until then keep posting and speaking out about totalitarian religion.
What is the perfect product to sell to a JW?
by usualusername inwhat is the perfect product to sell to a jw?.
Rafter Remover - in bulk quantities.
Looking back to what happened since sept 2012... i must say its brilliant !
by insidetheKH inwho thought in the early months of 2012 that such a rebranding would take place in only a matter of 24 months?.
they managed to go from an antique looking and boring website ( with hardly any attractive content to go to a fresh looking new website with stuff for everyone, families, children, teenagers.. movies, and short videos about almost everything and new ones added every month.
cartoons, animation video's , interviews, picture activities all kind of projects, many audio files like dramatic bible readings, dramas and music, online research tools, new brochures for kids (off and online) etc.
Inside -
I assume you're familiar with the expression "..polishing a turd.."?
The rebranding is likely aimed at downplaying the name Jehova, you know, the genocidal desert god who killed millions of old testament people, because he was mad, sad or just woke up jealous -over and over, yeah the guy who drowned a whole word he had just made , just so he could try again.
In modern times the same name was picked up by the followers of a nasty drunk in charge of a new cult - within a few decades the name was a stench for entirely new, but equally stupid reasons . Blood transfusions, the armageddon industry which never materialized, and adopting the hated pagan practice of disfellowshipping/shunning and inflicting that hatred upon millions of decent families, just for the control it afforded.
Jehova the name has become a stench as it instanlyt evokes a snivelling dishonest cult. Leading the larger world to the internet will just expose the corruption to a wider audience at warp speed..
Keep polishing that turd!
Elders, apostasy and disfellowshipping issue's - thoughts please
by FeelingFree inok so... when i was talking to my mil about why i no longer wanted to be a witness she kept trying to convience me that i needed to speak to the elders.
i said from the word go i didn't feel the need to as my mind was already made up and no one could change it.
i also said if the elders new all my reasons for leaving they would view me as an apostate and i would get disfellowshipped.
Folks living in countries where freedom of religion is a right, have a huge advantage.
YOU get to chose when you leave, change or abandon ANY religious affiliation.
Walk out the door, never to return, and write down the date YOU left. Take a picture with that days newspaper as evidence.
You are now FREE from that day forward. That's freedom of religion.
Jump ahead a week , months or even years until a silly little cult of some sort dares to discipline or chastise you, or make an example of you by mentioning your name from a public platform, or interfere in any respect with your freedom of expression, or association or granted liberties. THEY are violating your civil libertys as a person who chose to be free from their influence.
Never entertain their delusion that they have any power whatsoever because legally they have none.
JW's and depression
by FeelingFree ini was wondering how many of you suffered badly with depression when you were in "the truth" and if you feel your depression was related to being part of the organisation?
are you better now you have left or still have issue's?
whatever your experience's i would be very intrested to know (if you feel you can talk about it.).
Mauve -
So sorry to hear about your troubles.
Just so you know - I have for two or three years been reading your replys and responses to others in this forum. You show a refreshing and genuine humanity, and usually spoken with a beautiful poetic clarity. (Irish laureate genes?)
You have placed us all in good company, even though many of us, with you, struggle with anger and depression from being conned and trapped by a cult.
A year or so ago, there was a thread "Who would you most like to meet from this board?" Had I replied, you were right at the top of my list. I count you among my friends as a person of compassion and mercy. Please know that others are always thinking of you fondly ...xoxo
A Challenge to Apoligists - Why Would a Heavenly Father Kill a Newborn?
by berrygerry inas a father, made in god's love, that has troubled me for a very long time, is that god, as described by the wts, is soon, going to slaughter every, roughly, 7.9 billion people on the planet, because they have figured out a way to come know him as a father according to the wts.. .
as a father, dear apologist, why would you kill/murder a one-day old baby?.
Was informed by an elder just this week, that all those killed by Jabooba are executed not murdered. So I've learned that
the great and powerful Jabooba executes little girls and boys. Makes me sick at heart just to print it
Randy Bchman
by berrygerry inas a kid, my fave band was bto (bachman turner overdrive).
randy bachman (a somewhat devout mormon) was the driving force.
randy had separated from the guess who (american woman, these eyes, no sugar tonight).
Ha = listening to his CBC radio show right now (and every Saturday evening). He is a walking encyclopedia of the pop music world,
I love all his stories , and background info as he was there, and knew and worked with so many wonderful musicians from the glory days.
I feel 17 for a couple hours each week, Seems a real gent as well! Thanks Randy.
New Awake! Dealing With Mental Illness
by runForever incontains a list of 9 practical steps except they forgot one: 10. do not become a jehovah's witness.. .
1. follow the treatment prescribed.
by qualified mental-health.
Or to be in strict harmony with first century congregation - find a herd of swine and a cliff ...
18 statistics and the decline in first world countries.
by OneEyedJoe incross posting from another thread.
it seems that i might not be the only nerd here that's interested in statistics like this so maybe it deserves it's own topic.. so i was playing around with with some jw related search terms.
i found the results a bit surprising, and certainly interesting, so i figured i'd share.. first off, the link to what i tried.. one of the most surprising things that stood out was the regional interest.
Just some observations - we went to our local KH for the first time in 20 years - ZERO growth as evidenced by the same tired old faces from decades ago - no young families - no young servants just the same stonehead elders.
Latin American streets are alive and crawling with Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists and JWs all schlepping about giving out tracts etc.
Thing is - NOBODY READS !! In all my years there, I've never seen anyone carry or read a book on a bus, homes have no books, and I have never seen the library in our large city.-if it even has one?.
While a couple of the group try to shove pamphlets through your gates - the entire rest of the (sometimes large) group is fooling about on cell phones. The gullibility of these uneducated throngs is astounding - many adults are unaware that the scenes in hollywood thrillers such as King Kong are not real!
American cults are simply replacing the RC Church , Whatever BS that is presented over a cell phone is what will be believed - absolutely no questions asked. I think the worlds ignorant masses are the real target of JW Borg.