Chaserious -
Thanks again for your interest and knowledgable comments. (I know nothing and need and really appreciate your help)
Your legal point - ¨...principles of contract law requrie you to communicate something with your counterpart.¨
Tony Morris is on public record as asserting that JWs are free to leave any time they want (does anyone know where he said this?) That being the case, we who quit quiety are only responding to the offer of freedom made by one of the societies very own popes.
Therefore there is two-way communication of lawful intents. Yes? Leaving is just our response to the offer they made years ago.
Your legal point - ¨The traditional rule is called the mailbox or posting rule, which makes something in writing effective when you place it in the mail to another party; not when you write it yourself intend for it to secretly have effect.¨
I doubt that a Human rights commission/tribunal would care too much about this. When someone needs to escapes from abuse, the technicalities of the method of escape are irrelevant.
A tribunal enironment is somewhat different from a trial- the needs of the abused are paramount and the legal technicalities and rights of the abuser to continue abuses would be carefully scrutinized and hugely embarrassing for a secretive organizations such as WT/JW. For example - a tribunal would learn that reading of ones name at a meeting is more than just a factual statement , but that it is,and has been for years, the secret que to incite mass discrimination of the named person. This is one example of the very situations that human rights commissions are trying to end. It is also illegal.
For people who wish to stay in some association with those at the hall, like the Gorbies - it might be appropriate to mail their document at some time when it becomes obvious that the hyenas are crazed by the scent of blood. It´s till a done deal, a response to Tonys offer, and an action that is legally protected by human rights law. We could hold the WT/JW strictly liable because it was they who made the offer ,yes?
Please reply.