Just quit quietly - the law is on your side!

by Ajax 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ajax

    Freedon of Religion guarantees any individual the legal right to abandon any religion at any time for any reason.

    If you are a citizen of a country which champions human rights, then your government doesn´t care what religion you join, but they will uphold your freedom to join it, without interference, coercion or persecution. Your countries Human Rights legislation will conversely uphold your rights when it comes time to abandon any religion you so choose. Those (elders) who incite others interfere, coerce or persecute those who have left will be in transgression of the Human rights statutes.

    A person is only obligated to ecclesiastic law if he exposes himself to it or transgressed it while still a member of a religious community.

    When your time comes to abandon the JW-WT cult, do it while still in good standing, be proactive - be decisive -put it in writing!..and do it before the hounders set sights on you.

    Write a card or letter with as much or as little explanation as you one day might wish to share with Pharisees and lawyers.

    Take this card to a notary public to have your signature witnessed and have the writing overstamped in several places with the date. You can also do the same thing at the post office with their date stamp , but they might not offer to witness your signature...just use a trusted friend.

    TA-DAAA!.. OH Happy Day!.. You are no longer one of Jehovahs Witnesses!!.. as of this very moment!.. it´s the law!

    Go ahead and put a stamp on that little document of yours and mail it to yourself..just to get something nice in the mail for a change.

    ..But don´t tell anyone just yet, maybe not for some time (depend on your situation), because now you have to provide evidence that you ain´t no cult drone no more. You can go to public meetings just like anybody but praying to Jabooba, singing his praises or mouthing comments will surely send the message to observers that you are still being (vomit) educated in the mental regulating of the cult you just left

    When elders call - do what any non member would do - nothing... they are no longer your elders afterall.. they just don´t know it yet. Make yourself scarce and then more scarce. You are already free and if they identify you as anyone exceptional by an announcement, or recommend that you be treated or regarded in any specific way by an organization of which you are no part, they will violate your rights.

    The elders, and the congregations they represent who transgess the human rights laws are liable for damages that they have so inflicted on persons whose only intention was to abandon a religion they no longer supported.

    Please provide your feedback to this preemptive approach.


  • Hortensia

    An easier way: turn your back and walk away. No announcement, no drama. Don't talk to them any more. If they call or visit, just say no quite politely while hanging up or shutting the door.

  • whathappened

    Ajax, your way sounds like a nice way to give yourself some closure without making too much of a brew hah about it.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    You owe them nothing. They have zero authority over you.

    I told an elder that kept calling me, “you have the power and authority over me that I allow you. I don’t allow you any power or authority over me.”

    When I first left, I wrote a few letters of disassociation- some long and some short. It felt good getting it off my chest, but I later deleted them. I agree with those who say “you are reaffirming their power over you by sending a letter of disassociation.”

  • azor

    First time posting. Does anybody know if this will hold up in court. In other words can this be used to bring a suit against the watchtower?

  • JeffT

    Does anybody know if this will hold up in court. In other words can this be used to bring a suit against the watchtower?

    No it won't. The Watchtower is also free to associate or not associate with people as it sees fit. And you're free to leave if you want. Your family and freinds are free to stop talking to you if they so desire. The UN statement on freedom of religion is more like a goal or a statement of principle than a law.

  • berrygerry

    Does anybody know if this will hold up in court. In other words can this be used to bring a suit against the watchtower?

    No it won't. The Watchtower is also free to associate or not associate with people as it sees fit. And you're free to leave if you want. Your family and freinds are free to stop talking to you if they so desire. The UN statement on freedom of religion is more like a goal or a statement of principle than a law.

    Not in the US.

    Other countries have a better balance of rights.

  • never a jw
    never a jw

    This a case for the court of public opinion. As despicable as the shunning is, I don't think it's a good idea to get the judiciary involved. Just tell the world about the cruelty of some religions. That will put pressure that could bring change or demise.

  • berrygerry

    As despicable as the shunning is, I don't think it's a good idea to get the judiciary involved.

    Could not disagree more.

    You do not have the right to crap on my lawn.

    The rights of any institution, corporation, church, or otherwise, should never surpass the rights of the individual.

    The interpretation in the US that a corporation is a person is one of the worst interpretations in jurisprudential history.

    NO INSTITUTION has the right to tell you who you can associate with, and certainly does not have the right to tell you to hate your own family.

    Show me where that right is either granted or is reasonable.


    A person is no longer a JW the moment he or she decides not to be one any longer. There is no law that says you must 'announce' it to anyone. Just stop attending and walk away. If questioned by ANYONE, elders, fellow JWs, family members, friends, etc. Just say: 'It is not something I wish to discuss with anyone now or in the future'. End of story. Whatever reactions people have to this are THEIR issues.....YOU don't owe anyone an explanation.

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