There are no windows where the rank and file are assembled for indoctrination.
The monotonous hum and drone of brainwashing is best accomplished free from the distracting sights and sounds of Satans world just outside these walls.
Laughing of children and the barking of their eager pets, squeaking bicycles of youths whisking through the fresh morning air all about town, chirps and trills of natures busy residents in the trees and grass, the hum and honking of people following their own dreams, the jet trails of those who travel at will through the clouds, the stacato of Sunday lawn mowers, the clinking of dishes from lazy luxurious family breakfasts, and the pat pat of tiny flipflops on beckoning sidewalks - these are but some the dangers.
Better the wearing of starched uniforms of conformity, to rustle through the collected pages of antiquities myths under the flourescent glow inside air conditioned tombs. The better to inculcate the fear and loathing of the ancients' dead dieties and to imaging their promised horrors still to come ..
Yes when it comes to brainwashing and indoctrination, it's easy to see that open windows could easily be the work of the devil - best not to take that risk.