Here is a map that shows North Ossetia's location and situates South Ossetia in close proximity to Chechnya and other conflict zones. It is not at all surprising that the Jehovah's Witnesses have had their activities curtailed in this area.
JoinedPosts by OrphanCrow
South Ossetia declares Jehovah’s Witnesses ‘extremists
by pleaseresearch inthe supreme court in the breakaway south ossetia has ruled that jehovah’s witnesses is an extremist organization and banned its activities.. when the ruling comes into force in a few days, jehovah’s witnesses members will face up to 10 years in jail for any religious activities such as assembly and distributing literature..
South Ossetia declares Jehovah’s Witnesses ‘extremists
by pleaseresearch inthe supreme court in the breakaway south ossetia has ruled that jehovah’s witnesses is an extremist organization and banned its activities.. when the ruling comes into force in a few days, jehovah’s witnesses members will face up to 10 years in jail for any religious activities such as assembly and distributing literature..
The same story covered in "The Caucasian Knot":
South Ossetia's history and current legal/political standing:
Geographical location:
South Ossetia borders North Ossetia, which is a republic in the Russian Federation.
September 2004 - the Beslan School Tragedy occurred in Beslan, North Ossetia.
How do they get away with "New Light"?
by moreconfusedthanever inone thing that bothers me greatly is the fact that they can change their policies and beliefs and just say its "new light" and no one bats an eyelid.. there are many scriptures such as isaiah 40:8 "the word of god will last to time indefinite.
" or hebrews 6:18 "it is impossible for god to lie".
if he is "spirit directing" the borg then there should be no need for new light..
moreconfused: One thing that bothers me greatly is the fact that they can change their policies and beliefs and just say its "new light" and no one bats an eyelid.
Change/newlight is part of the 'hook'. It serves a critical function. It solidifies "truth" by redefining it. Remember Russell's "present truth" doctrine?
Heh. I have memories of being a child and the build up to summer assemblies - "oooooh...what new light will be revealed?" and my mother's intense searching of new literature, examining and discussing...looking for that "new light" as though it was something precious and special....a special gift that came right from...God himself!!!!
A person only has a problem with "new light" if their concept of an unchanging, stable "god" transcends human interpretation. If a person has accepted an outside source (the org) as the authority on all things divine, then "new light" becomes the confirmation and the cement that holds them inside the cult. New light is confirmation of authority from god and a sign of progress. The "truth" gets brighter. Or so they say.
Here is a quote (translated) that is taken from an unnamed JW who gave an interview in an unnamed country (and comes from an unnamed source...yeah, I know, bad form and all that), that explains how an educated JW who works occasionally in the academic world (he teaches at an American university), views "new light"/revision:
I have also gone in ******* until my 27th birthday and then in america again through the academic mill. And I can assure you that the study discipline of JW is readily comparable to a high-quality academic education in the US, that means, every statement that JW make is based on a certain research, which, like any other research, also occasionally requires some revision. What I consider rather to be a strength than a weakness. This means, JW are well-educated people...
''This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth FULL STOP''- Matthew 24:14. JW ORG
by ThomasCovenant inhi.
only just noticed on the jw borg home page that matt 24:14 is quoted with a full stop instead of a comma after the word earth then the closing quotation marks.. isn't that incorrect?.
steve2: because in 1876 the Watchtower Society became an incorporated body...
On February 16, 1881, Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society was formed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
On December 15, 1884, the society was incorporated as Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society
On September 19, 1896, the name of the corporation was changed to Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society
(my apologies for being pedantic, Steve)
"Deficit" at JW Assembly
by cookiemaster ini've recently been at an assembly here in romania and there was an announced they were running a 10,000 euro deficit and urging all attendees to donate more money besides the already 5k has was donated during that day.
i really don't understand these things.
it's their own assembly hall.
curiousconfused: and returning to my earlier analogy, most of us dont try and fully research the financial structures of whatever charities we might support.. we just support them - if we want to. Just offering a counterpoint...
Yeah. Exactly. People donate when it benefits them and to whom/what benefits them the most. Those benefits come in the way of tax-exempt donations (the wealthier you are, the more that charitable donations will benefit you) and in the form of emotional return/confirmation/support/etc that the particular charity will afford you.
Religious organizations are where the largest slice of charitable donations go in our culture.
The WTS/JWorg is notorious for its lack of transparency in how and where the donated money is spent.
You had said this: "most of us don't try and fully research the financial structures of whatever charities we might support". I am not sure who you mean by "most of us"...but, in the 'real' world, the world outside the JWLand, lots and lots of people either do their own research on charities or they rely on charity watchdogs to issue reports on the health of the charitable organizations.
Charity Intelligence Canada gives the WTS a Grade "D". For its lack of transparency and its unrealistic and unreasonable charitable program spending of 97 cents for every dollar donated.
"Deficit" at JW Assembly
by cookiemaster ini've recently been at an assembly here in romania and there was an announced they were running a 10,000 euro deficit and urging all attendees to donate more money besides the already 5k has was donated during that day.
i really don't understand these things.
it's their own assembly hall.
curiousconfused: This thread wants to believe that the "deficit" issue is some sort of scandal, because you've all either left the organization or want to...
I don't think that "this thread" believes that....or even that that is what this thread is about
I thought this thread was about the WTS/Org's lack of transparency in financial dealings that often leaves those who donate to it in the dark about what is going on.
"You" may be happy with a lack of knowing but there are people who want to know what kind of choices are being made with the money they donate or have donated in the past
"Deficit" at JW Assembly
by cookiemaster ini've recently been at an assembly here in romania and there was an announced they were running a 10,000 euro deficit and urging all attendees to donate more money besides the already 5k has was donated during that day.
i really don't understand these things.
it's their own assembly hall.
GoneAwol: Doesnt seem that much in donations per year to me? Or am I just crap at reading accounts?
It isn't that much.
It works out to $1065 US or $1333 Canadian per day of operations. (150 days per year, according to document linked)
I have a question. At the assemblies, when a person donates, can they designate the money donated to go to "the worldwide work"? Can I split up my donation? Or do all donations just go to cover the cost of the assembly?
October 1, 2017 TO ALL BOE IN NIGERIA Re: Local Needs For the Week of October 16-22
by wifibandit inoctober 1, 2017 to all bodies of elders in nigeria re: local needs for the week of october 16-22.
slimboyfat: I can't put my finder on it, but it reads a little off to me...
When I read the letter, this wording jumped out at me as being 'off':
"As we wish you Jehovah's rich blessings on your efforts, please be assured of our Christian love and best wishes."
The words that don't fit my memory of how JW cult language worked are: "wish" and "wishes".
When I was a kid, we weren't allowed to 'wish' or even use it in a sentence like that. Too close to magical type thinking and magical spells...Satan might hear ya say 'wish' and send demons to tempt ya
Counter-Watchtower / Answers-in-Watchtower First Draft Issue 1
by Counter-Watchtower inplease proof read the draft and comment any edits, corrects or changes of any kind needed.
also i need help with the cover page, what the title should be and plain text or whatnot, whatever would be more appealing to a jw to get them to open and read..
There are still many errors...
This has been hashed out here repeatedly...Yes. It has.
Thank you for your accuracy and detail, Vienne. It is much needed in order to speak clearly through all the noise and data regurgitation that clouds the air around here sometimes.
Accurate information is the key...not more noise and static to add to the confusion, Counter-Watchtower. Again....can you share with those of us who are interested...what is your interest and where do you get your information from? It seems incomplete and inaccurate. Is it designed to confuse and make noise?
There is so much good, accurate information out there that I am confused as to why someone would want to produce a hodge podge of information to add to the hodge podge of information that gets thrown on the pile daily.
...why? Why CW? Why are you doing this?
$66 Million Class Action Lawsuit Filed Against Jehovah's Witnesses in Canada
by Alfred innot sure if this was posted or not, but here it is....
Dsp: Or could there be two competing class actions? With plaintiffs having to CHOOSE which one they want to join??
It appears as though there are two requests for class actions in the works:
This video, I think..., is addressing the class action request that was filed through Higgerty Law in Calgary but filed in Ontario. And there has been another class action filed in Quebec.
In Canada, requests for Quebec class action cases are considered separately. The choice is made for you depending on where you live:
Quebec stands alone in the Canadian common law legal landscape with a French-inherited legal system inspired by the Napoleonic Code. Unsurprisingly, Quebec’s class action regime differs from that of the jurisdictions surrounding it.
And, for all the hype and attention that these cases are getting, it would be prudent to keep in mind that the requests for class actions have been filed. That is all that has happened. The first step has been taken but there is no assurance that either of the cases will proceed any further than where they sit right now. Neither of these class actions have been approved/authorized and from what I could read about the one in particular (the Calgary one, I think...), there is only one plaintiff, so far, named in that action