From this link here:
joe134: ...I was having a conversation with a black brother from Zimbabwe while out in field service about the persecution the brothers would be enduring under the rulership of Robert Mugabe. To my surprise this brother actually said the exact opposite to what I thought. Robert Mugabe is quite favourable to the witnesses And prefers to have them working for him in none political roles e.g grounds men, cleaners etc. Because of political neutrality they arnt a threat to his ideals. Interestingly to I note that recently there was an international convention there, and I can't help but wonder if this was a political ploy to perhaps convert the masses to an organisation that will allow him to carry on unhindered. What I think to is this would of also allowed him to improve his public image with the locals e.g foreign currency /spending etc.. As let's face it at the time what other westerner would want to visit Zimbabwe.
And a later comment in that same thread (to add - oops, I see that Searcher posted the same thing earlier on this thread too):
The Searcher: I spoke (at a convention) with a white brother from Zimbabwe who related the story of a young black Zimbabwean man who was fleeing for his life from a group of men who wanted to kill him. He evaded a terrible death by running into a Kingdom Hall where he was hidden by the J.W.'s attending. The young man was Robert Mugabe. The brother also informed me that Morgan Tsvangurai warned the Witnesses a few years ago, that once he had dealt with Mugabe, he was going to deal with them.
This explains the enigma of Zimbabwe's tolerance of J.W.'s.
Can anyone confirm or deny this story?
Searcher? I find this story to be quite interesting. Especially now that Mugabe is gone and Tsvangurai is poised to share in the power re-structuring of Zimbabwe. That story of Mugabe being rescued by JWs - is that another of the those JW legends or is there any truth to it?