The temperature has dropped today and I hope to be in for a good ISS sighting tonight!
The sky has been overcast (actually, a clipper tore through the past couple days and it warmed up to -7 and now we hit the usual again - it was -29 when I woke up this morning) but now the sky is clear and crisp. Perfect for an ISS flyover.
I have tracked the ISS for years through the NASA tracker but missed a few when I was in the city. I have recently moved to a rural area which allows me to be a sky watcher again. I have already had a double sighting one night around Christmas when the temp was hovering down in the -30s. I love really cold winter nights because the sky is so clear.
I missed the eclipse due to cloud cover (damn warm winter weather!) but when I woke this morning at 5 am and stepped outside, that fat old moon was hanging over the spruce trees.
On a related amateur astronomer out in British Columbia, Canada, found a satellite signal from a "lost" satellite:
Long "dead" NASA satellite discovered alive by amateur astronomer