Here is another excerpt from the Russian report:
Psycholinguistic analysis showed that in the texts Witnesses Iegogy "implemented targeted contextually-related changes in the semantic structure of words. Thus, by a shift in the concept of "society", aimed at narrowing the world picture and links to them only within and through the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. The concept of "family" is superseded in favor of the concept of "community" within the meaning of "members of our organization." The concept of "happiness" is changed to the concept of "service" (goals of our organization).. All this creates a special language with a particular emotional-semantic content, aspiring to the psychological impact on the consciousness of the perceiver, to change his language and non-linguistic world image, the inspiration needed to humble submission discipline narrow community and its hierarchy.
*note: Iegogy, I believe, is "Jehovah" (bad google translate)