Who is the bad christian, the one who questions a teaching, or the one that throws out and calls names his brother for questioning him on anything at all?
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JoinedPosts by Alive!
Does What We Say Here Or In Person Really Help JWs To Get Out Of The Religion?
by minimus inif we are in the congregation, do you think our comments or questions actually reach elders or others in the congregation?
do our comments on this board affect witnesses to the point of questioning their faith?
One month researching my doubts: my crucial issues with WTBTS - what are yours?
by Tornintwo inso after 20 years a convert, about a month ago i decided to start listening to my doubts and to do independent research about the wtbts teachings (naughty me).
as a result i have consolidated my position on various points and these are my major issues with the wtbts teachings, i am posting these to help myself figure things out (with your assistance) and hopefully to hear from others at their stage of drawing away from the gb - newbies' especially.
in the form of notes so hope you dont mind...child abuse.
Thank you for that list - it covers many issues that irked my conscience and started the painful journey.
I really didn't handle my "awakening" well at all - I talked with too many, always asking "how would we explain this to someone who is NOT a JW" - a sympathetic ear initially, followed up by "I'll do some research" followed by no contact.
The above playing out of this situation became another issue - why the same, same answers, the same " I'll do some research" and nothing.
I've been careful over the years to avoid being "stumbled" by the actions and behaviours of other JWS. And we are not talking just personality foibles or weaknesses here - I'm talking about exposure to hardcore crime, hardcore hatefulness and an interesting leaning towards half truths, lies. And, whilst we had a horrible episode that directly affected us many years ago, the other issues I have seen involved others, including elders wives, elders and pioneers - I knew about these things because I was a comforter and "go to" for confiding.
If people on the outside knew the extent of madness that existed on the inside - they'd be shocked.
If they knew, that the nice, charming people at their door would go back to their car group and discuss the everything about their "householder" and their lives as an object of interest ( in a loving way of course) and that the nice family walking the street with their bibles were chuckling about which house they had dibs on after Armageddon and the occupants were dead....c'mon, it happens and we KNOW it.
I used to feel sick when I listened to some of the "publishers" - but would tuck away that feeling and remember they are imperfect.
Standing back, I cannot excuse such twisted "Christian" madness as to believe that the turning away of a magazine on smoking, waster shortages or whatever represented a choice to reject Christ.
Don't screw up - take your time and don't feel you have to go on a mini crusade ( I did!!!! - I achieved nothing)
Take care - and great thread!
Doing away with Calculating How Close we are to THE END
by FusionTheism inthe watchtower study edition, august 2015, "keep in expectation!
" article:.
paragraph 3: "after looking forward to the end of this system for what may seem to be a long time, however, some may wonder, do we still have sound reasons to keep in expectation?
It's a beautiful thing to only wish to have served God more, as we look back over life - but to feel peace in that we did our best, in the circumstances that we lived through at different times in our lives.
Serving God means many things, from applying a Servant's heart to relationships, caring for others spiritually, emotionally and materially.
Wholehearted Service to many JWs is about pioneering - that has been my honest observation.
'Reachjng out' for a graded set of service goals....
There are countless self confessed servers of Christ who are not JWs - who have lived a life of service..giving, giving and giving of their lives. Working in areas where there is little if any financial reward, trying to apply wisdom in their lives....making a difference.
My hours of devoted service? I distributed literature filled with overwhelming error, false teachings - and I didn't have the courtesy to distribute them as an optional spiritual offering - as in 'could this be a correct interpretation? What do you think?' I was taught a manipulative script, with no room for the listener to make a choice as to which bits they resonated with - it was all or nothing. Mad revelation climax stuff along with the truer basics of hope.
What a sad example of 'service' to the true God.
Damned if they do, Damned if they don't
by FusionTheism ini see an attitude among some people here which is not very helpful.
i can understand it, but still, it's not constructive or helpful.. if you condemn the society for not changing, but then you also condemn them when they do change in a positive way, what incentive or motive does that provide for the people at the society to ever want to change for the better?.
also, what does that attitude look like to current witnesses who are having doubts?.
Pete Zahut - well, well said.
To My Generation: Jehovah's Witnesses of the Vietnam War Era
by Hold Me-Thrill Me into my generation: jehovah's witnesses of the vietnam war era .
if you were a young brother in the late 60's you then remember the burden of the draft and the prospect of going to jail for refusing on religious grounds to be called up.
in those days we were taught that to do community service was conscientiously the same as joining the military and so we were told to refuse such exemptions.
Much respect for you to even be trying to work through such painful doubts and questions - I know witnesses nearly half your age and perhaps twice the energy who 'know it's not the truth' but keep going through fear....at least you are setting yourself a timeframe to test the waters.
This is your journey friend - and what loving Father would ever 'shun' you for seeking and searching according to your own time and process.
Can This Be True?
by Hold Me-Thrill Me ini was very tired today, still am.
age is getting to me.
that video will be shown to millions of parents around the world.
Hi Frank,
i wrote a long post earlier on - from my iphone, I then deleted as I thought I had submitted post to wrong topic / thread - darn :-) such are the perils of iPhones and those swiping screens!
Hey, take care dear man.
The gist of my original post was to say "1000 years are as 1 day and 1 day is as 1000 years" - so true. What is time? Really?
It's a journey. Keep on your course, keep true to what "adds up" - if we have been mislead, we won't have been the first.....at some point, we have to be true to God and not to men.
The organisation of "Jehovahs Witnesses" have one particularly major error - they claim exclusivity - and really, on the basis of what?
It's going to be OK - it really is.
You will feel hurt, exhausted and at times, broken perhaps with all this unravelling of what you believed to be true.
Take your time, please. 1000 years is as one day, one day is as 1000 years.
I don't believe "in God" anymore than I believe in my heartbeat.
There is something far greater than my puny belief going on here...
It's beyond believing, it's far more than that - this universe is not dependant on poorly written magazines and silly cartoons, terrible illustrations that do not dwell on what is loveable, chaste and all things that desire good.
When you repair, keep your heart towards being the hands and feet of a servant for the universe. The man Jesus, whether one believes he came from "above" or a different dimension, or was just a man like all of us - he has captured the hearts and attention of the world since his life course began - like no other.
For a reason.
Trust. :-)
Can This Be True?
by Hold Me-Thrill Me ini was very tired today, still am.
age is getting to me.
that video will be shown to millions of parents around the world.
Just deleted wording in this post - wrong topic! Sorry - working from iPhone. -
No More Money!
by Hold Me-Thrill Me inas of this june (i've already given my may contributions which are substantial) i am no longer giving money to support useless building projects that serve no good purpose.
i am no longer giving money at conventions or assemblies.
i am no longer giving money toward the circuit overseers upkeep.
Just thinking aloud - yes, the WAY they spend our funds in itself is in direct conflict with early Christian practice.
Lurkers, I'd ask you - would Paul have allowed himself to sit in safe offices, enjoy manicures, have his every physical need met ABOVE the needs of the poor and needy in the congregations.
This isn't some petty resentment here on my part - I have a very good lifestyle - but, watch these men. Watch them and those they gather around them. It's not good.
Think of Paul, Peter and John.
Did they live in a protected environment? Did Phoebe, Timothy etc?
And - if after thinking about this - if you feel that one should be delighted that Christ's brothers present this way - well, ask yourself how does it look to outsiders? Urgent end times? Look at them building, building, building - with no expense spared....
No More Money!
by Hold Me-Thrill Me inas of this june (i've already given my may contributions which are substantial) i am no longer giving money to support useless building projects that serve no good purpose.
i am no longer giving money at conventions or assemblies.
i am no longer giving money toward the circuit overseers upkeep.
Isn't it sad how the contributions work in a way that would be unrecognisable to the first century christians, to Paul and the apostles.
A big hello and thank you
by iwasblind ini just wanted to introduce myself and say a big hello to all of my mentally diseased friends.. i say friends because i have been lurking for some time so it feels like home (us lurkers are a bit scared and cautious so it takes a while).
i won't bore you with too many details, but i am a born in, currently serving as the cobe of a congregation.
my wife and i have pioneered for the last 10 years and were shaken awake by that ridiculous 15th july 2013 wt about the generation and 1914.. my wife who is much smarter than me has questioned for years.
I faded somewhat clumsily out of the organisation - am "waiting on The Lord", trusting in good for all of those made in Gods image - rather than letting greedy men push their spin on me and mine.