I've noticed there seems to be a higher percentage of born-ins here....who are the converted JWS?
Does anyone care to share how they got converted?
I've noticed there seems to be a higher percentage of born-ins here....who are the converted JWS?
Does anyone care to share how they got converted?
i found out that my husband has not only gone to the elders, but has been going to members of my family about me over a period of a few years.
this piece of news is just so depressing.
i've been wondering how my family knew i didn't go and thats why so many of them have becoming more and more distant.
Hi lostwun,
I just want to share a thing or two.
When I was a full in JW (I'm talking fever pitch here ;-) ) - I had reason to be desperately disturbed by some of my husband's behaviour and....deep breath....I confided in Elders and 'mature Christian friends'.
Not just once, but over several periods during our marriage. I'm ashamed.
At that time I felt absolutely guilt free re sharing my concerns because I was terrified. Terrified that Satan was influencing my husband, that I might lose my husband to 'the world' - I wanted to be partnered with a spiritual head, to stand 'shoulder to shoulder' together. He always dragged his feet. It sometimes frightened me.
So, you may I ask what kind of person am I? Now, I look back and think how wrong that was.
We've been married over 30 years and it was actually me who first instigated pulling away from the Org as I kept uncovering the inconsistencies and my eyes opened wide to the dishonest nature of the org.
My husband has forgiven me for my breach of confidence, for dragging him in front of Elders and basically making our marriage a threesome with the Borg.
I loved him, I sought 'spiritual help' because I cared intensely.
A threefold cord with a cult is not a threefold cord with God. An entirely different thing.
We both know each other, the good, bad and ugly. He trusts me. We've learnt painful lessons. We're still doing life together.
It's not impossible to rebuild trust, just be aware that your husband is responding to the same terrifying brainwashing that I responded to.
If you stripped away all the religion, all the cult/mob mentality - do you see a man who loves you and who you could love back?
Thats the thing.
If this post is 'hi-jacking' - is it? I'm sorry if it is.....I'll hope for the best and press 'post'. X
my mum is doing kemo and i have gone to many meetings at my old hall and brothers have said how they remember my old talks how good they were (ass kiss) and i still feel emotional even though i know 100% it is lies, funny human mind did i do it all for personal pats on the back and self esteem....yes i did i was a loser who needed some luv.
Hi ((( hugs )))
No, you are not a loser.
Take a step back - and breathe.
But.... You are on a journey - heads up my fellow friend and brother.
but they get together every wensday and talk about the bible is that hypocritical
Does this total represent the number of anointed ones on earth? Not necessarily. A number of factors—including past religious beliefs or even mental or emotional imbalance—might cause some to assume mistakenly that they have the heavenly calling. We thus have no way of knowing the exact number of anointed ones on earth; nor do we need to know. The Governing Body does not keep a list of all partakers, for it does not maintain a global network of anointed ones.
So, given that the scriptures appeal to each and every reader to avoid those who mislead, who make false prophecy and add to the original words....guess the GB is a touch in trouble?
Proof please that you, the GB who are mere men can fully convince the world that you are none other than the special annointed.
I would like to put you under judicial questioning.
i can't help but notice how this past year alone has seen the gb start to turn more towards the teachings of the christ instead of peddling their falsities.. study articles have talked in length about the fine works of christ.
assemblies have been dedicated to speaking about christ.
and this month's broadcast is about doing good to others copying the example christ left for us.. what's more shocking is that losch actually says kids should speak, share, and even give food and clothing to non-believers!!
I see scripted damage control.
Caring for others who are not JWs - as in providing practical help and services - has NOT been the backbone of this relatively modern day 'religion' - a favourite scripture quoted amongst the 'friends' was 'you will always have the poor' as a reason why WE don't donate to charitable causes or spend time caring for those in need. Right?
Suddenly it's shifting - the WT is morphing and responding to public feedback.
Perhaps I should be encouraging and positive and say well, that's good. But you know, the manner and mode of the entire brand leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth.
I've seen behind the curtain - I don't like your magic, the weaving and conjuring of tricks. I've heard and seen senior leaders speak and answer to questions away from their protective smokscreen where THEY control the script. The Australian RC was ....simply and utterly revealing about the culture and nature of Watchtower speak.
It made me feel ashamed to have been involved with such dishonest men as my 'leaders'.
when i think of integrity, a lot of positive connotations come to mind.
i think of individuals grounded in principles, who do not operate on opinions that change based on the breeze of political or social change.
a life that is directed by a code of morality, not on capricious emotions.
A good post for those quietly reading and questioning things.
Having integrity was always important to me - so when painful doubts about the organisation and the Watchtower could no longer be pushed away, I then had to manage a rough time whilst I struggled with 'losing' my integrity. The integrity that was built on a certain premise - loyalty to the FDS/Christ's self professed brothers was/is synonymous with loyalty to Jehovah/Christ Jesus.
This imaged 'integrity' battled with a grittier integrity - and as time goes on, peace becomes achievable - thank goodness!
The OP struck a chord with me - I recognised that major hurdle for witnesses, and how hard it is to deconstruct the image of group integrity ( and the dishonest nature of the organisation) and let personal integrity emerge.
hi... i am new and after nearly 20 years after being disassociated at 15 i would like to make contact with others who have similar difficulties.
my mother was disfellowshipped shortly after my rebellion and had all ties with both her mother and brother cut and that remains the case.. just really hacked off with not being able to put things in the proper place in my life after all these years.
for the record i don't know if i believe in god but am searching for some peace as i seem to self destruct on a regular basis.. any ideas anyone?.
Hi there,
I was a convert in my 30s and have faded - some 25 plus years later.
A close relative described my loss of trust in the religion as being a traumatic event - and she is right. Years of mind altering influence, fear inducing doctrine is hard to shake.
Am happy to be influenced in a way that builds my character, but I can see the watchtower influence is unhealthy.
The latent fear, the sense of unreality is gradually leaving me - I have my own relationship with God. It's my journey and I feel safe and secure these days.
The cult control certainly damaged my general sense of well being.
Welcome dear - enjoy the precious moments and hopefully the unhealthy effect of cult group control will loosen its grip....a work in progress :-)
It's never too late to heal.
long time lurker here.
i'm a fifth gen born-in baptized jw.
to say i've been struggling with doubts is an understatement.
deaf aotearoa flooded with complaints about jehovah's witness churchkashka tunstalllast updated 15:22, october 6 2015deaf aotearoa has asked the jehovah's witness church to respond to claims of a deaf information database.new zealand's deaf community is fed up with unsolicited house calls, claiming the jehovah's witness church is targeting deaf households.deaf aotearoa has received multiple complaints from around the country and says church members visited certain homes because they were aware a deaf person lived there.
the organisation released a statement on monday, saying it was looking into the possibility the church holds a database listing the details of members of the deaf community.jehovah witness spokesman rod spinks said there was no such database and deaf people were not being targeted.the deaf aotearoa statement was posted on the group's facebook page, and received a flood of comments from frustrated people.one woman said a group of jehovah's witnesses had come to her house and asked "for the deaf person who lives here.
" she said they refused to explain how they had her details and didn't visit her neighbours.another said church members had turned up at her work and asked for her by name.hamilton man royce flynn said he had been visited six times over the last nine months, despite repeatedly saying he was uninterested in the house calls.he said the church members were always able to sign and also brought deaf people along, which lead him to believe he was being singled out.flynn said contacted local police, who told him it was a privacy issue and referred him on to the office of the privacy commissioner.he said he had been been in contact with local labour member of parliament sue moroney.deaf aotearoa acting chief executive jill dean said complaints about the church were a recurring issue.
No 'database' !
I am SO SO SO glad that I no longer represent this lying, dishonest group of self professed 'ambassadors of Christ'.
Of COURSE there is collected data for the deaf in the territory,.
Just like the foreign language groups who went through phone books pulling out all the Spanish/French sounding names.
Why not be honest? Why not say there is a special mission that targets the deaf with a 'life saving' message - why not be transparent?
Ooops. I think I may have SHOUTED.
none of my jehovah's witness relatives called to tell me or my family.
just found out this morning.
So sorry for your loss and the deeply distressing way you heard the sad news.