Hi there,
I was a convert - I had a widish circle of non witness friends, and throughout life made 'good' friends easily....but, I did have low self esteem which was painted over by what appeared a super abundance of confidence...so a bit of a complex thing going on with me. I'm always looking out to see if I have met with approval - a little tiring I can tell you :-)
Back to 'then' - I had lost my parents and was mourning their loss. I was searching for answers.
I didn't expect to find them in the bible - so when a very successful 'business person' who was JW started talking with me - I was fascinated. Really fascinated and excited. The bible prophecies all seemed to 'fit' - the JWs hated religion apparently - yay!!! Me too!!
Slowly but surely I was introduced to a wide range of born in witnesses - the 'nutty' ones were introduced to me with a wink and a warning. Dozens of born ins would seem to seek out our company - and would say how reassuring and encouraging it was to see us 'get the truth'.
Fast forward - over the years we experienced and observed some terrible betrayals amongst JWs, the culture was concerning. I surpressed internal red flags - after all, doesn't love cover a multitude of sins?
Ultimately it was the deceit, the dishonesty of our publications which started to weary and depress me to a point where I was forced to ask myself - is this really the truth? The sneaky and coercive 'voice' I heard in our publications - the switch and bait tactics.
Somehow, this didn't sound like the voice that Jesus promised. Would Jesus treat a sincere, tender hearted follower with such dismissive words, belittling any concerns?
Keep searching - don't stop with the JWs - there is a good reason that people who do not have a 'healthy ego' join cults.
I was one of them - I just made a fantastic impression of being well balanced - but underneath, years in the org damn near destroyed my mental and emotional health.
Take care
Et bisou petite. X