Hi Bonsai,
When you next talk to your old friend show him this......
I am a 60 year old female - I have no desire to do anything immoral by biblical standards.
I have not been stumbled by anyone in the sense of my pride being hurt, but after nearly 25 years I have been disturbed to the point that I had to face my hurt conscience and ultimately I was pushed to walk away from a group of people who have difficulty being honest in spiritual matters, use manipulative language amongst themselves and to non witnesses as a matter of form and who follow men who appear to use 'Gods word' with a lack of respect which is breathtaking, turning scripture to suit the whim of the day without due consideration for the conscience and faith of their listeners.
I left an environment which was my home - lost a 'life' of friendships and have had to rebuild my world at a later stage in my life.
It's not been 'cosy'
Would your friend like to consider the three main reasons people stay as cult members? I don't think so.