It's kind of amusing in a warped way.
And I like the OPs point re accountability - certainly, one wonders at what point would an indoctrinated JW have to concur that certain things surely fly in the face of being a spirit taught Christian....
One example - just two decades ago, JWs were taught that if a 'wordly' person was delivered 'the ring of truth' by means of a Watchtower by a JW and at that same time was given 'a good witness' and rejected this - then they had received their chance of salvation and had rejected it and if they died the next day, there was no chance of a resurrection - they had been judged. Remember that anyone? Remember the sighs? 'Oh well, they've had a good witness' - What? A witness that Armageddon was coming within the lifetime of the generation that saw the events of 1914? For sure. Without doubt. Be warned.
Tell me, on what level and at what point does the teacher/believer become accountable for spreading this lie about the salvation of God.
Stop and think about it - it's downright wicked. To judge others like that.
About time they owned this. I see no shame or despair that they misrepresented a 'God of truth' - nope. They are just imperfect men...really? How about the forgiveness that they bestow on themselves re such things be accounted to others who are not JWs.
What is that scripture about judging others?