I was a convert.
I moved mountains to conform my life, to become a 'witness'....I faced family opposition....you can imagine.
And your boastful claims repulse me.
So you are a 'faithful witness?'
You smoke a cigar?
And you brazenly come to a place where perhaps spiritually weakened witnesses gather, lurk and read and you boast about 'people knowing about your little cigar habit and its OK'....and then you claim you are a faithful witness?
Oh and you curse sometimes. How jolly.
And you vote? In your faithfulness you vote? Sweet!
How thoughtful and caring of you as a 'faithful JW' to present yourself as a normal witness....
Don't make me laugh.
You earn a six figure income?
Yeah well, so did I in the hay-days of my career.
You think that makes you an intelligent thinker?
My observation of folk is that it just means you earn a six figure income - not a guarantee that you are an intelligent thinker.
I've hung around enough high earners like my younger self to know it means zilch. It just means you can earn good coin and possibly street smart/savvy.
You go against the direction of men who claim to lead Jehovah's chosen people and you boast about it?
The problem my dear is that the ranks are riddled with two facers like you ( and yes let's face it, your actions are somewhat two faced aren't they? ....and twits like me were taken in by your nice clean facade.....)
Sorry if this is harsh, I'm usually sweetness and light.
But you know what? Your post royally pissed me off.
Think about it. And think about who you are and what you really stand for.
Apologies for the meaness of my words, I'll probably regret it and then angst over it.
But, I don't know - perhaps a wake up call as to how you really appear won't hurt.
People like you were serpents towards folk like myself, ultimately.
Perhaps you are not of that ilk. I hope not.