Brother Jeramy, interesting points.
Does it bother you to go on the ministry and invite others to join a family which is under the control of a GB which you don't seem to trust?
i've noted active, devoted jw's state the above.. and, it's not a problem for me to remain trusting of god, i just don't trust religions or men.. recently, a member of this forum stated that he remains an active jw, in the family of god's people, wanting to encourage and do good - whilst recognising that the pastoral leaders (the gb) have shipwrecked the faith of many, being unsound scripturally etc, etc.. stop and think about this - the bible says to not follow after those who lie and hurt the faith of "little ones".. the pharisees were accused of traversing over lands and expending much energy to make a single convert - only for that convert to end up worse of than he started off with.. it's one thing to not believe this is the 'truth' and feeling the awful pressure of managing ones life, trying not to lose ones family.. it's quite another thing to declare oneself to be a christian believer of god's jw household, and somehow believe the god of love would use corrupt liars to parade as jesus' brothers in the urgency of last days.
and, to then visibly promote faith in corrupt men, and try to bring converts into a place where the rulership is wrong.. some of us are dying from hurt here.......give me a break..
Brother Jeramy, interesting points.
Does it bother you to go on the ministry and invite others to join a family which is under the control of a GB which you don't seem to trust?
i was an extremely sincere, zealous pioneer.
i really cared about the people in the field.
i thought their lives were in danger.
You are right Faye, people do have a strong level of curiosity about Revelation.
I remember a sister commented that she felt grateful as after much prayer, she was not struggling as much with understanding the Revelation Climax book on the last study round.
How awful that she felt spiritually weak that she hadn't been able to get her head around the prophetic applications to the early 1900s etc. Sad. Of course, now, the Climax book is just one big embarrassment to
i was an extremely sincere, zealous pioneer.
i really cared about the people in the field.
i thought their lives were in danger.
I remember feeling uncomfortable about those old hardback books regarding placing them with folk.
I found them fascinating, personally. LOL. What does that say about me? Oh boy.
They were kind of spooky - the one I really loved was though was Letter to James. It was the favorite of many witnesses I knew. It was the only WT publication that focused on christian love. I read somewhere it was written by a brother who was later disfellowshipped for apostasy.
I look back and wonder what on earth householders must have thought of our Revelation Climax book offering.
Decent ordinary folk, being asked to believe in historic events such as angelic trumpet calls at the release of a new book or new mandate.
i've noted active, devoted jw's state the above.. and, it's not a problem for me to remain trusting of god, i just don't trust religions or men.. recently, a member of this forum stated that he remains an active jw, in the family of god's people, wanting to encourage and do good - whilst recognising that the pastoral leaders (the gb) have shipwrecked the faith of many, being unsound scripturally etc, etc.. stop and think about this - the bible says to not follow after those who lie and hurt the faith of "little ones".. the pharisees were accused of traversing over lands and expending much energy to make a single convert - only for that convert to end up worse of than he started off with.. it's one thing to not believe this is the 'truth' and feeling the awful pressure of managing ones life, trying not to lose ones family.. it's quite another thing to declare oneself to be a christian believer of god's jw household, and somehow believe the god of love would use corrupt liars to parade as jesus' brothers in the urgency of last days.
and, to then visibly promote faith in corrupt men, and try to bring converts into a place where the rulership is wrong.. some of us are dying from hurt here.......give me a break..
Watcher and CloseDoor - Are you leading others in the way to truth in your congregation - or do you quietly submit to the lies?
When you go out on ministry - do you tell people that the leadership of your 'church' - the writers of your publications are corrupt? But you are there to tell them about Jehovah and Jesus?
i've noted active, devoted jw's state the above.. and, it's not a problem for me to remain trusting of god, i just don't trust religions or men.. recently, a member of this forum stated that he remains an active jw, in the family of god's people, wanting to encourage and do good - whilst recognising that the pastoral leaders (the gb) have shipwrecked the faith of many, being unsound scripturally etc, etc.. stop and think about this - the bible says to not follow after those who lie and hurt the faith of "little ones".. the pharisees were accused of traversing over lands and expending much energy to make a single convert - only for that convert to end up worse of than he started off with.. it's one thing to not believe this is the 'truth' and feeling the awful pressure of managing ones life, trying not to lose ones family.. it's quite another thing to declare oneself to be a christian believer of god's jw household, and somehow believe the god of love would use corrupt liars to parade as jesus' brothers in the urgency of last days.
and, to then visibly promote faith in corrupt men, and try to bring converts into a place where the rulership is wrong.. some of us are dying from hurt here.......give me a break..
Watcher and CloseTheDoor.
How do you think what 'works for you' will work for honest people of today?
The JW religion is not just about quiet inner reflection - it's about aggressive reaching out.
The JW religion states that ALL over religions, including those that believe in the God of Abraham and the messiah, including all those who yearn for Christ - well, they are satanic.
So, the JW lies and craziness are not satanic - but other religions, including Christians are satanic.
Explain. Please!
i have a customer who's son is a jehovah's witness.
he was disfellowshipped over a year ago.
this is the second time he's been disfellowshipped.
In our congregation I can think of at least 4 kids who became drug addicts. Not recreational users - but serious life destroying addicts.
No serious comprehension of the hurt, only a buzz of excitement whenever one would emerge from their personal hell to attend a meeting.
Each one eventually capitulated to a lost and broken life - whilst their pioneer mothers took new 'one' under their tender wings....
i've noted active, devoted jw's state the above.. and, it's not a problem for me to remain trusting of god, i just don't trust religions or men.. recently, a member of this forum stated that he remains an active jw, in the family of god's people, wanting to encourage and do good - whilst recognising that the pastoral leaders (the gb) have shipwrecked the faith of many, being unsound scripturally etc, etc.. stop and think about this - the bible says to not follow after those who lie and hurt the faith of "little ones".. the pharisees were accused of traversing over lands and expending much energy to make a single convert - only for that convert to end up worse of than he started off with.. it's one thing to not believe this is the 'truth' and feeling the awful pressure of managing ones life, trying not to lose ones family.. it's quite another thing to declare oneself to be a christian believer of god's jw household, and somehow believe the god of love would use corrupt liars to parade as jesus' brothers in the urgency of last days.
and, to then visibly promote faith in corrupt men, and try to bring converts into a place where the rulership is wrong.. some of us are dying from hurt here.......give me a break..
I just don't understand how a JW 'believer' can make so many excuses for 'God's Organisation'.
I'm no-one. Unlike the Israelites and the Christians of the first century, I've never witnessed a supernatural miracle, I have only a book of words that a group of men have interpreted for me. I trusted them.
Having watched the May broadcast - I can totally forgive and overlook Lett's odd presentation in his gestures etc - but his words? That's not weak imperfection, it was deliberate and coercive. As is the general voice of the JW publications.
How can anyone overlook this stuff? Sorry! Just venting. Going through some difficult processes and probably not handling it well.
Every now and then, I think how well I'm managing, then I crash.
It's the grief - the grief of loss re trust in my ability to know the truth.
What does that make me? That I converted and followed them for so long - it all felt so wonderful. I refused to be stumbled by the actions of witnesses towards each other, I took it all on board.
What killed my faith in 'God's ONLY organisation' was the GB.
Since fading, I've learnt the truth of how badly those who leave are spoken of, the duplicity, the flakiness.
I hate it. I just have to try and separate my hatred of the lies from hatred of myself for believing it all.
i've noted active, devoted jw's state the above.. and, it's not a problem for me to remain trusting of god, i just don't trust religions or men.. recently, a member of this forum stated that he remains an active jw, in the family of god's people, wanting to encourage and do good - whilst recognising that the pastoral leaders (the gb) have shipwrecked the faith of many, being unsound scripturally etc, etc.. stop and think about this - the bible says to not follow after those who lie and hurt the faith of "little ones".. the pharisees were accused of traversing over lands and expending much energy to make a single convert - only for that convert to end up worse of than he started off with.. it's one thing to not believe this is the 'truth' and feeling the awful pressure of managing ones life, trying not to lose ones family.. it's quite another thing to declare oneself to be a christian believer of god's jw household, and somehow believe the god of love would use corrupt liars to parade as jesus' brothers in the urgency of last days.
and, to then visibly promote faith in corrupt men, and try to bring converts into a place where the rulership is wrong.. some of us are dying from hurt here.......give me a break..
I have briefly read at this website.
So, sticking with the wicked, confusing lies of false prophets makes one obedient to Jehovah?
Does Jehovah wish for me to preach lies to people? To make a fool of God?
This is meant to be a time like no other - not comparable to former times.
I'm sick to the heart of having spread false prophecy, unscriptural doctrine and spending energy enticing people to NOT follow our Father, but men.
The so called GB have been proven false since inception - from their pyramids and other craziness to today. Should I or you let these men guide me? Or worse still take out and publish their lies to others?
i've noted active, devoted jw's state the above.. and, it's not a problem for me to remain trusting of god, i just don't trust religions or men.. recently, a member of this forum stated that he remains an active jw, in the family of god's people, wanting to encourage and do good - whilst recognising that the pastoral leaders (the gb) have shipwrecked the faith of many, being unsound scripturally etc, etc.. stop and think about this - the bible says to not follow after those who lie and hurt the faith of "little ones".. the pharisees were accused of traversing over lands and expending much energy to make a single convert - only for that convert to end up worse of than he started off with.. it's one thing to not believe this is the 'truth' and feeling the awful pressure of managing ones life, trying not to lose ones family.. it's quite another thing to declare oneself to be a christian believer of god's jw household, and somehow believe the god of love would use corrupt liars to parade as jesus' brothers in the urgency of last days.
and, to then visibly promote faith in corrupt men, and try to bring converts into a place where the rulership is wrong.. some of us are dying from hurt here.......give me a break..
I've noted active, devoted JW's state the above.
And, it's not a problem for me to remain trusting of God, I just don't trust religions or men.
Recently, a member of this forum stated that he remains an active JW, in the family of God's people, wanting to encourage and do good - whilst recognising that the pastoral leaders (the GB) have shipwrecked the faith of many, being unsound scripturally etc, etc.
Stop and think about this - the bible says to not follow after those who lie and hurt the faith of "little ones".
The Pharisees were accused of traversing over lands and expending much energy to make a single convert - only for that convert to end up worse of than he started off with.
It's one thing to not believe this is the 'truth' and feeling the awful pressure of managing ones life, trying not to lose ones family.
It's quite another thing to declare oneself to be a Christian believer of God's JW household, and somehow believe the God of love would use corrupt liars to parade as Jesus' brothers in the urgency of last days. Really? And, to then visibly promote faith in corrupt men, and try to bring converts into a place where the rulership is wrong.
Some of us are dying from hurt here.......give me a break.
quick backstory:raised a jw, ms, reg pioneer, international need greater work.
i have been da for 2 years, divorced, ex and my son live 6 hours away near walkill ny.. my sons first talk is coming up, in august.
he is 7 years old.
I'm breaking into pieces having trusted so much - your son will hit that wall one day.
Sorry for this misery you and yours go through.
As a mother, ( oh wait - I had no children because the WBTS suggested that having family was pointless) - anyway - these GB men are horrid - they are not from God. Like Satan, they are clever, very clever. You know the scriptures, your boy is in prison, even though it 'looks good'.
If he is old enough to give a scriptural talk he is old enough to be questioned. Question him with heart. I don't mean interrogate - but, allow him freedom of thought, support and question as a mere human who desires clean truth.
Use this situation to help him.