Do you guys recall the article for kids with an illustration of a young boy teaching a resurrected "pirate" - you know, that really irked me.
Whether you are an atheist or a believer, it's clear that a child would be thrilled by the notion of meeting and teaching "pirates".....this kind of crazy lesson appeals to their imagination and.... For want of a better phrase..... Material minds.
Imagine the watchtower asking us to dwell and meditate on an eternity in a new creation with Christ.
Look I'm not trying to preach - but really, whatever your beliefs, it's clear that a truly spiritually Christ-focused hope is not the foundation for the WBTS religion.
It's members dwell on the excitement of meeting historic people ( as if their history will matter in a new world!) and it's members have been known to eye up current real estate yearning for the day when it belong to them.
Such truly spiritual hopes! And even if you think any "hope" is ridiculous, isn't it clear how skewed the WT hope is?