Hi Frank,
i wrote a long post earlier on - from my iphone, I then deleted as I thought I had submitted post to wrong topic / thread - darn :-) such are the perils of iPhones and those swiping screens!
Hey, take care dear man.
The gist of my original post was to say "1000 years are as 1 day and 1 day is as 1000 years" - so true. What is time? Really?
It's a journey. Keep on your course, keep true to what "adds up" - if we have been mislead, we won't have been the first.....at some point, we have to be true to God and not to men.
The organisation of "Jehovahs Witnesses" have one particularly major error - they claim exclusivity - and really, on the basis of what?
It's going to be OK - it really is.
You will feel hurt, exhausted and at times, broken perhaps with all this unravelling of what you believed to be true.
Take your time, please. 1000 years is as one day, one day is as 1000 years.
I don't believe "in God" anymore than I believe in my heartbeat.
There is something far greater than my puny belief going on here...
It's beyond believing, it's far more than that - this universe is not dependant on poorly written magazines and silly cartoons, terrible illustrations that do not dwell on what is loveable, chaste and all things that desire good.
When you repair, keep your heart towards being the hands and feet of a servant for the universe. The man Jesus, whether one believes he came from "above" or a different dimension, or was just a man like all of us - he has captured the hearts and attention of the world since his life course began - like no other.
For a reason.
Trust. :-)