Like you, something changed for me - hearing Jackson's incredible lie.
Many times, I have stood alone over a difficult issue in relation to explaining some tricky part of JW practice and doctrine - trembling inside a little, I'd attempt a fearless 'witness'.
I endangered relationships with non witness family and friends and looking back, I'm gobsmacked they still love me and don't hold my former bigoted stance against me.
I delivered and pushed literature written by men who I now realise are beyond all trust - And ( as I have long since realised) the recipient had every right to thrust that trashy illustrated piece of manipulative garbage back in my face as they gently pointed out that it misquoted and lied. I actually tried to defend it - as my weak mind believed this came from 'Jehovah's mouthpiece'.
Then we have Toole protest that he had no clear understanding of theocratic warfare.
I was nobody in the scheme of JW things - in a small city congregation - and I KNOW we ALL understood the terms of theocratic warfare. I was baptised circa 1990. How despicable of this agent of God to beg ignorance as he was baptised after 1957, after the written piece put before him at the commission.
How could he possibly miss 'understanding' this JW concept?
It was globally understood.
He lied. Didn't he?