I'm at peace that I no longer support these 'leaders' - to do so would mean that I'm OK with children and vulnerable people being taught to be obedient in all things to those who are approved through appointment, as in Elders, COs, DOs and the horrible, dishonest and manipulative writing department.
My husband and I saw behind the curtain years and years ago, but allowed for 'imperfection' as we allowed ourselves to be lulled into the arms of what seemed to be a Christian movement, a brotherhood.
We'd get 'flashes' of feeling disturbed, but made allowances.
The show is over for good - the true colours of cheap commercialisation have bled out over the 'clean image' - the ARC, the 'face' of the leaders, lacking candour, dodging questions.
I hope they read here and absolutely 'get' what damage they are doing and what damage they have done.
Their people lie for them, their 'trained' Christians are not set free by truth - but are entrapped in a bubble of fear and pretence.
I've seen it, heard it.
This latest offering for children has enraged me. Thank God I have no children in this vile mess that masquerades as 'the truth'.