The different anti-types seemed so plausible at the time....
BUT the Revelation book never sat well with me when they 'squished' ancient prophetic scripture to fit in with a chain of events surrounding the society and early WT characters .....I was totally devoted during the times we studied that book - but each time I felt tingles of discomfort reading certain paragraphs.
It's so sad, looking back. If anyone had stuck their hsnd up and said 'this doesn't sound right, it feels entirely wrong' - the problem would have been theirs, not the writing departments.
To understand and accept the teachings was a sign we had 'spiritual insight'.
As I started waking up - I had to wonder, exactly who or what inspired the writers to publish so many false teachings and interpretations?
The problem was that we had no choice - so we couldn't grow at our own pace, but got dragged along with the thoughts of 'men' who were actually invisible strangers to us at the time - and still are, despite the public broadcasts.