There is never any such thing as a mistake,only"New Light"
JoinedPosts by Poztate
Did the "Society:" make a mistake?
by fearnotruth22 inno marriage, no children, no college, no psychiarits, no vaccines, no tranlplants, no blood, no voting no flag salute, no miitary service, no masturbation, no premarital sex, no extramaritla sex, no porno, no drbase music, no r movies, no chess ans what else is taboo?
Comments You Will Not Year at the 1-11-04 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 1-11-04 wt study
"take exquisite delight in jehovah," david said, "and he will give you the requests of your heart.
(pedophiles are protected by a two-witness rule in the wts.
Some are going from 15 minutes down the road to 3 hours up the pike
This is what is happening in our area.Instead of one big assembly there will be 6 smaller assemblies.It could just be a cost factor but I was wondering if also this way the number attending can be more easily manipulated.
What's your favorite JW word or phrase?
by Sara Annie inin a minimus moment, i find myself interested in knowing which buzz-words and phrases in jw publications stand out the most to you?
when i read wt literature, i constantly find myself astounded by how transparently cultish the language is.
in an earlier, unrelated thread, i said the following: .
I have to love "Wait on Jehovah" It allowed people to not think for themselves.Everything would be taken care of and they will live happily ever after.Don't worry....Be happy...
My First New Year's
by Mysterious ini ended up going to a party with some friends even though i had earlier planned to lay low this year.
i had an awesome time and showed up at home quite late.
the whole witness take on new year's that it always is some big drunk event is such crap, it doesn't have to be.
The first normal party ...with normal people my girl has ever had. It makes me feel glad that she has friends and will continue to make friends all her life now that will not be judging her and will love her as a fine human being.I am thankfull this day has finally come.
An evening of debauchery -- brought to you by Jehovah's Witnesses
by logansrun inhow did i spend my new years eve?
with a bunch of drunk jehovahs witnesses, that's how!
my best friend -- who hasn't been to a meeting in three months and has referred to isaiah books i and ii as "shit" -- has connections with the outer periphery of the organization's young folk.
He said that Noah's Ark "proves" the Bible to him. Oh Lordie.
Noting will ever change in "Watchtower World" The mind set of these people will not allow them to think for themselves.
They are doomed to believe that "soon" armagedon will sweep in and destroy 99.9 of humans again.
The choice is to worship this "loving god" or die. What a depressing future for them.
I would rather live without this hope...Thank You very much...
Double the fun - out in more ways than one
by Mysterious ini thought i'd update.
today we got back from holidays and i decided to tell mom i'm gay.
dad got her to stop packing and sit down long enough to talk to her and i told her.
Hi to all,
I would like to thank you for responding to this post in a positive and supportive manner.What my girl is going through is not easy for her or her mom.I hope still we can work through this as a family and come out the other end stronger and more united as a family.
If it was not for the influence of the JW beliefs we would be even further ahead.Time will only tell how all of this will play out.
Thanks esp to Gretchen, Razorblade and Euphemism
Double the fun - out in more ways than one
by Mysterious ini thought i'd update.
today we got back from holidays and i decided to tell mom i'm gay.
dad got her to stop packing and sit down long enough to talk to her and i told her.
Thanks Euphemism,
It's a shitty time we are going through right now.I hope we can make it out the other side.The problem is the borg.They grind out people and spit them out without ever giving a shit as to what is happing to them.
My girl and I WILL make it out the other side and I will live to spit on the face of all those religious hipocrites.SOON
Double the fun - out in more ways than one
by Mysterious ini thought i'd update.
today we got back from holidays and i decided to tell mom i'm gay.
dad got her to stop packing and sit down long enough to talk to her and i told her.
I am Myterious's Dad. I have to say it was a god awful time when we tried to express what was happening to "my girl." The bottom line for my wife was that my girl "chose" this way of life. We tried to explain that that was not how it happened. Unless you have had your head under a rock for the last 20 years or better you know it is not something you choose, IT just happens. Do you choose to be left handed... do you choose to have blue eyes, red hair etc. MY wife was a rock... a brick... no emotion... For the first time in my life I hated my wife for what she had become because of the WT society. She was no longer human because of WT policies. I hope things can change and I hope soon or else we will just be 2 more casualties of the new world society. MAY IT REST IN PEACE SOON
Edit: Spelling corrected courtesy of Mysterious.
Keyboarding 101
by little witch induz this thang piz u off it iz hard 4 me to read 2 i hope you get my drift cuz i am 2 lazy to type it out correctly who needs those lousy punctuation marks anyway they are dumb i also dont use capital letters to say i and also u is just as easy wazup wit dis disturbing cyber ebonix mix of communication anyhow i dont get it if u decypher this message u cn feel free to comment i dont mean to dis anyone btw
I'm always ragging on my father to learn to punctuate properly,