Anointed class meetings could never happen since there are so many "separate classes" of the anointed class.Do you really think for a moment that head office wants to talk to all those women that are anointed.Let's face it,it's only after death that they will be rulers with Jesus.Right now they better keep their place if they know what's good for them.The males in any congregation have more "clout" than any mere female anointed one.
Next we have the "new anointed" They are viewed with suspicion since they didn't come up the hard way and are not known to the power brokers in Brooklyn.In fact I doubt if there is a list of names with all the anointed listed for the information of the governing body.It wouldn't be needed since the GB. know none of these people have any importance in reality.
Another group of anointed may have been serving at a local level for 30,40 50 years or more.Do you think head office really wants to see them in Brooklyn to talk over how things are going and give a little imput on how to run things.It makes you laugh just to think about it.It would NEVER happen.If one of these anointed happened to walk into Brooklyn looking to help out he would be assigned toilet duty for at least the first 10 years.I made this exact point with a relative who's father claims to be anointed.He could not deny that even though his father was going to be an important part after the "really soon,imminent,fast aproaching,on the threshhold,only weeks or months at the most"battle of Armageddon he was NOTHING now.
The real power now lies with the corporations and the presidents of them.I believe less and less will be heard of the GB. and the power will revert to the corporate heads.Remember it was not that long ago when the GB. was created(late60's early 70's)More and more non anointed will fill these spots in the printing press company and the power will shift to them.The GB.will be obsolete but no one will notice as they will just be spoken of less and less and the collective memory of the average JW. will remember them no more. R.I.P. G.B.