If you say yes, you have to do as they say or be shunned. If you say no, you will be shunned.
If you say maybe you will be shunned.
If you say I don't know you will be shunned.
If you say leave me alone you will be shunned.
If you say yes, you have to do as they say or be shunned. If you say no, you will be shunned.
If you say maybe you will be shunned.
If you say I don't know you will be shunned.
If you say leave me alone you will be shunned.
can't seem to paste my words in here--will try below...
One of those huge billboards outside of the assembly location.
I have long believed that this is the best way to get the "real truth" across to people.Trying to give out hand bills is so 1950"s.
When you think about it how many dubs would have the nerve to accept a hand out in public in front of their peer group.
What if an elder...gasp...from your congregation should see you. The pressure is on them.
However a billboard or even a placard worn with a short question and a link could do a lot more good.
No one is sitting behind them as they check out the real truth in the privacy of their own home.
The youth and new ones would be most likely to go online to check things out.If many of those question and then leave because of what they find the WT will wither up and die on the vine.Without new converts they are dead and gone.It can happen.
"The truth about the truth"
the governing body and the board of directors
modern society claims
"from the incorporation of the watch tower bible and tract society of pennsylvania in 1884 until 1972, the president of the society exercised great authority in jehovah's organization, while the governing body was closely associated with the society's board of directors.
You can't shine shit.Farkel
What more could anyone say.
anyone in the san diego area planning on attending the 2004 district convention at qualcom stadium?
does anyone go and picket and pass out flyers or pamphlets anymore?
(i remember the stir and excitement of hearing how the attendants had just caught some apostates handing out fake watchtowers inside the convention, and threw them out!
Does anyone go and picket and pass out flyers or pamphlets anymore?
I don't think this is the best way to get results anymore. Think about it. How many "good JW's" are going to accept an apostate message in front of their peer group? The group mentality is going to stop most from even looking at the person, let alone taking their message.
I believe it would be much more effective to have a placard with a simple message on it.
Some thing like....For the truth about the truth...
Persons filing by and especially the young people who may be more net aware might be interested enough to investigate esp. if they can do so in the privacy of their own home.
Instead of aiming for the head of this borg,aim for the legs...that is the youth and new ones.If we can do this successfully this cult will die of old age.
wt literature, how important is it?
now they have the ability to just upload the current issues on their web site and the individuals could just download then in pdf format and print them out and then underline the answers to all questions asked in red pencil.
no need to print millions.
wt literature, how important is it?
now they have the ability to just upload the current issues on their web site and the individuals could just download then in pdf format and print them out and then underline the answers to all questions asked in red pencil.
no need to print millions.
WT Literature, how important is it?
PROFITS... PROFITS... PROFITS...Did I miss something??
has anyone have any information on can or will the wt forgive a girl that gets pregnant out of wedlock.. my daughter has just revealed that this happened to a girl she knows who went full term on the pregnancy and was forgiven by the wt.
would such a person be given good treatment by the other members in kh.
Has anyone have any information on can or will the WT forgive a girl that gets pregnant out of wedlock.
Not even if the girl's name is Mary and she is the mother of Jesus.
At any rate the last one I saw spouted a classified ad for anyone interested in JWs to call this 800#.
Most of them would respond to a 1-900 (porn site)
i think most jws are not virgins when they get married.
i'll bet the majority have "fooled around".
what's your opinion?
Dammm...I must have missed that part.When I was young (a long time ago) we were told not to even hold hands...That led directly to SEX you see.We were also told not to even date because dating led directly to MARRIAGE (or SEX) and if we were not ready to get married we could not and would not even ask anyone for a date.
The one time I didn't heed this loving council I made the mistake of asking a girl out. I was new and "coming back in the truth"
The first words out of her mouth were I don't want to marry you so I can't.Talk about a bunch of control freaks.What was even worse was that as young people we bought into this nonsense as "truth"
If anyone remembers any more about these "control years" and how they treated the youth in the congo post it here.I would like to see a few more things added to the new and exciting quotes site.
in 1954 the watch tower society released a new film,"the new world society in action,"which acquainted its "viewers with the magnitude of the society's organization,its institutions,its field activities,its large - scale conventions, its smooth, efficient functioning and the spirit by which it is moved.".
what its millions of viewers would never see was what went on behind the scenes.what has happened behind the watch tower facade, to real people, not just in the past, but in more recent years?is it a "spiritual paradise" as claimed?.
we all know of the way that the society has treated its own behind the scenes,such men as edward a.dunlap,respected registar of the society's gilead school.disfellowedshipped.raymond v.franz,governing body member,disfellowedshipped.william and joan cetnar,disfellowedshipped.william h. bowen ( silent lambs ) disfellowedshipped.. however,are you one of the "nameless others" who gave twenty, thirty, forty, fifty years and more of your life in devoted service, only to be demeaned in old age because you tired of a non - scriptural agender, or dared question the "anointed oracles" of the "theocractic organization".. behind the scenes,alcoholism is prevelant among staff members, there are the distraught wives of the headquarters staff, immoral behavior, suicides, this is kept hidden from the membership around the world.all of it is documented, yet, under threat of vilification and fear of man, many serve with mute obedience.. the new world society in action, is a facade!
I have served over thirty years and have been cast by the wayside.
In the"new world society" everyone is a disposible item.Right from Ray Franz down you can see that if you are not 100% with the program you are cast off without a second of thought.The "new world society" reminds me more of the Nazi's more than "God's chosen ones"