I'd have a few inches taken off my schlong
OH.. NO I would have thought that circumcision would have been more than good enough.
plastic surgery, what would you have done?
or are you happy enough as you are, warts an all?
i'd have a few inches taken off my schlong...(just kidding to get the attention of and impress the ladies ;) but dont tell em, okaaay).
I'd have a few inches taken off my schlong
OH.. NO I would have thought that circumcision would have been more than good enough.
let me just start off by saying that my mother asked me to read the new brochure.
she said, "i expect you will be critical of it.".
i said, "mercilessly so.
And since copy and paste wasn't allowed for the password, the consarned thing had to be typed in.
To enter a password into a prompt box use the keyboard command CTRL V as the paste command is not available to you.
It is the only way to go and that sure was a long password. I would have hated to type it in by hand.
mini's thread about weddings and funerals had me intrigued.
so did mulans reply about having a private and separate service.
well, i've referred to this before, but it might be of interest to those who haven't been here too long.
I know in Montreal it is common in JW funerals for the body to be disposed of and a talk given at the hall - sans corps.
I agree with Lady Lee,
In my part of Canada (west coast) it is the norm to hold only a memorial service and not have the body present. In fact I believe that if a family requested that the body be present at a KH the elders would try to persuade them to give up the idea or hold the service at a funeral home instead.
The last time I remember a casket at a service was over 40 years ago. I am sure now the WT considers anything that might distract people from the infomercial that is the reality of a witness funeral would be discouraged.
a po i know said that now the wts makes them do back ground checks and ask every congo the person has ever attended approve them before the send the letter to the wts.
i think this could be because of the child abuse thing.
Re: New policy about appointing elders
How about a REALLY new policy of appointing elders.
There could be a private VOTE of everyone in the cong.
Do you love me??? Do you hate me...Am I a P*R*I*C*K
I want to serve you...please let me....VOTE NOW..
hey guys, .
of course, i know that most of you here are very frustated with the borg.
do you blame anyone?
my fantasy is to somehow get rich and go back to that congregation and test them, see if money makes me VISIBLE and then tell them to go [edit] themselves if it does)
Me too...win the lottery and all the dubs that hated you will be sucking up for a piece of YOUR PIE. How quick things would change.
much entertainment in the watchtower, 15 august 2004, pg 24. see the picture for the full text to learn that we can "put off every unecessary weight" by boxing up our "hobbies and non-essential personal projects.
" i wonder what's in the box.... it is interesting to see how jws are encouraged to have hobbies:.
*** g91 11/22 pp.
Better yet, lets make a sling shot and pelt the jw's that go from door to door on Saturday mornings
Hey... Thats the best idea in a long time....
i was doing a quick search on something else when i came across this resume of a fella who seemed to have been a bethelite.
down on his resume under "education", he includes the theocratic ministry school as part of his education.
this is not the first time i hear someone doing this.
under "Education", he includes the Theocratic Ministry School as part of his education.
I'm sure if he was a really good dub he would also mention that he read all the issues of the Awake? and that was said to be the same as getting a College education. I am sure with all the "help" the borg gives to people to make them a success we will soon see many more doctors,lawyers and educators among Jehovers people. OR NOT
okay... i may act like a hick from a small-town... but... i'm curious about something.. what is the 'proper' amount that one is supposed to 'tip' the gal at the salon.
the one whut cuts the hair.. i've never really had a good idea... and i know that i look like a dufus... fumbling and mumbling... as i hand a dollar or two to the gal.. now... if i'm supposed to be giving something like $5.00... forget it!
i usually hand over 1 or 2 dollars - depending on how well i feel that they did.
I remember years ago going to one woman barber.She was in her mid thirties.She cut hair quite nicely but where most barbers stand behind you for the most part to cut your hair she liked to be in front and LEAN OVER to get the HARD PARTS in the back.
NO ...I am not making this up...I always tiped her well as she always gave me good service.
i just saw an advertisement for the borg on tv!!
i was quite stunned.
it showed a father working with his son on a project, it showed a mother doing something with her daughter and it showed some younguns paying money for drugs.
I rarely watch TV, I don't have cable, but we can get Global with the bunny ears.
Oh...you can't mean him can you??? Not poor Rabbit
that's torn it...mrs ozzie's bought her own pc for her study.
will we now be talking from my study to hers by means of jwd?.
interested eyes will be watching!!!.
Networking is expensive. Its like paying for two accounts.
If you are behind a router your ISP can not tell how many computers are hooked up.They try to tell you they know everything but I think that is a bunch of BS.We have been networked for over a year this way...no problems.