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hi folks.. i have been lurking on and off for about 2 years now and before i did post a couple threads under my old alias but it wont accept it for some reason so i had to re-join.. anyway there was a singles site called by a nice fellow who wanted to help other lonely jw single folks meet but he is about to shut it down despite some success stories which i guess makes the elders upset.. i had joined two years ago and was on the mailing list(i,ve been inactive for about 5 years now)thats the short version,anyway,i got this e-mail from him the other day and it really infuriated me because he did nothing wrong but again the organization wants to control every aspect of their lives,including not letting jw,s put up harmless websites for singles to meet.after all in many many congregations there is a severe shortage of available singles right?and,if they dont even want you to look for a mate in their own organization (on the net) then they will look outside of the organization but i guess they are too dense to understand that.. his letter wreaks of guilt and he hangs his head in shame at congregations.i fail to see how he has stumbled others here.its none of others business what adult jw,s want to meet someone.. i understand the heartache of being all alone for many many years with no one and no suitable mates there as they were too stuffy and i felt like i could never match up no matter how hard i tried.i shed too many tears to count as im sure many here have as well.. anyway here is the e-mail.. greetings friends.. this will most likely be the last message you recieve from jw the site has been running for several years now with its main goal to help those of like faith find and if they wish contact each other.we,ve met that goal with several success very glad to say that an old friend of mine from a congregation in maryland met a wonderful sister from california.after months of phone calls and trips and bible studies over the phone,they were married.both are extremely happy with their new mates.. there are other stories the friends have shared when asking to have their profiles removed.. however i cannot continue to justify the site against the councel of the wbt society.i am tired of sinking in my seat at assemblies and conventions when they mention websites to is also not my place to second guess the faithful and discreet salve and the connection they have with jehovahs spirit in guiding the organization in these last days.while i believe that with proper theocratic guidelines this site can be used ,like many have demonstrated to a good cause,i will not possibly stumble my brothers and sisters.. i have thought of selling the site to help recoup the expenses i incurred while developing and running the site ,but again i dont want the responsibility of passing it off to someone else,possibly a wordly company or person.. after the last paying members subscription has run out,i will open the full site with access to every member .this will be the last chance to try and contact some of the 2000 members we have.right now im targeting september as the final month the site will run.our information on the site will be deleted as the database of users is erased.if you care to make a donation of any size while the site is still open to everyone our paypal address is _________ or contact me for a mailing address.. thanks to all those who have tried to help and build the idea i had into a functioning and useful program.i wish you all well and continued strenght in this time of the end.all of the friends are tired and are struggling just to make it to meetings instead of staying home with a headache or working a little upbuilding to each other ,help to show love amongst ourselves and continue to walk with god until the end.. agape.
Hmmmmm I dont see my post in the Friends section.
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do you think the world would be a better place or not and please explain why.
Wars are based on emotion ...not logic any attempt to curtail them will meet with failure.
what does the wts say happens to someone who claims to be annointed and partakes at the memorial if that person really isn't annointed?
does someone who is honestly mistaken about being annointed meet the same fate as one cynically claiming to be annointed?
this has probably been discussed before, but i can't seem to find it.. thanks all!.
I am wondering whether the WTS teaches that there's any penalty for falsely claiming such.
Hi Margie...and Wecome,
This is a subject that they do not want to deal with at all..At the local level lets face it the"annointed"? don't affect the operations of the Borg at all.You can claim to be one but you have no POWER except at the local level...oh and you have to be a MAN to even have this little clout. A woman.. No power at all. If one of the Annointed at the local level ever tried to have imput to the head office they would find how important they really are.Of the 8500??? anointed left only I would guess 30 or more are in positions of power.It is a sham and a lie,but so is the whole thing.
just another watchtower contradiction!
the watchtower, june 1, 2003 issue, page 20, paragraph 11:
"gog of magog is identified as satan the devil in his debased condition since 1914. as a spirit creature, he cannot carry out his attack directly, but will use human agencies to do his deeds.
Hey UD,
That is a nice catch.I always like to see them put their foot in their mouth...It sure seems to happen a lot lately.That is what happens when the lawyers are in charge of the Borg..
i recently bought a bible after not having one or cracking one open for 18 years.
it's amazing how different it is now.
i thought it was all mumbo jumbo contradictions and insane ramblings.
If lot was that drunk, how in the hell was he able to get and maintain a woody, let alone perform? What utter bull.
You must realize that mankind was closer to perfection in those days. It is only in "the last days"? of this wicked system of things that we can't get it up and keep it up as well as we used to.As to it being a peverted thing ...who are we to judge after all God knows best...
i drive past patterson about once a month.
and read here about tours there.
so i stopped.
Hi Johnny,
I feel sorry for that litttle fresh faced kid you picked on.He probally came from a third generation Dub family.He grew up in the "truth"? and he know that in only a matter of weeks or months at the most the big "A" will be here and no more worries.You may have caused him to THINK and we all know what can happen then....Up to know he only had to think....Obey orders...go out in service and...NO SPANKING THE MONKEY and you will be saved. DAMM what have done to that poor boy...
one of my friend married a so-called jehovah's witness, as what i recall that jehovah witness does not believe divorce, but this jehovah witness divorce the wife with a daughter and complain that his wife has mental problem, on his second marriage, he worked away the wife without saying anything, just disappeared and weeks later want to go back to the wife, he never respect parents, relatives and wives, force wife has s*e*x and sleep outside too, at the meantime, he is still online searching girls and tell them he is divorced and ready for another one, but he did not divorce on his second one yet.
this is the real jehovah witness, they are evil but wear angle dress.
That is a tad unfair. The JWs at least have a moral code that they try to adhere to.
I would phrase it "they have a moral code they CLAIM to adhere to" I have seen too many times when there were double standards with regards to their moral code and guess what....the code lost.
what is everyone so afraid of?
none of these arse holes can bother you afterwards, its been great.
think what ?1914? means is that if someone is in a position to be able to DA him/herself or get him/herself DF?d without being unmanageably affected by repercussions of the separation from family and friends, then, yeah, he/she might as well just get it done.
I would never DA myself. That is just playing by their rules.If they wanted to DF me so be it but I would not bother to go to their kangaroo court to try to defend myself.You are only free from this cult when you can walk away and laugh at them as they try to control your life..The problem will always be if you have family or close friends that are controled by this EVIL CULT. This is where each person have to weigh the pros and cons. I just keep out of their way and they keep out of mine.
this may be a question that has been answered millions of times but i've seen it in alot of posts lately.. why don't the kh have windows?
what is their bible-based answer for this one?
just listen to blondie, she is usually right!
OK ...What do you mean by USUALLY...I love my Blondie...
this is my first post here, though i have been browsing these forums over the last week for more than a few hours.
in the interest of full discloser, well as much as anyone would on a public forum, i?ll tell you about me.
i was raised as a witness, and have no real horror stories to tell.
Which of you was unable to leave the JW?s due to a gun being held to your head?
Almost every one that joins this cult has from that moment onward had a gun held to their head.
Most JW's who join also have family in the cult,marry in the cult or develop close friends in the cult.
NOW...Try to write a letter that says...gee I just don't want to be a JW anymore,but I haven't done anything wrong so could I just leave with no fuss.Don't make me laugh...You would be DA'ed in the blink of an eye.No more more family.You are treated the same as DF'ed persons. They are just waiting to pull the trigger on you.