((((((((Steve))))))))))) you poor thing Made me shudder just reading it...
Do you have a little brass bell to ring so that Joy can hurry upstairs and cater for your every need?
Get better soon xxxxxxx
ok, i'm handicapped tonite.
i shot though my lrft hand with a nail gun today.
yeah, that ws me on top of thr ladder.. .
((((((((Steve))))))))))) you poor thing Made me shudder just reading it...
Do you have a little brass bell to ring so that Joy can hurry upstairs and cater for your every need?
Get better soon xxxxxxx
great news!!!
re: http://www.triggerstreet.com [triggerstreet.com]
the short film based on my first chapter that i co-wrote and play myself in just won top 50 on kevin spacey's worldwide short film web site!
You know what?...I CAN tell !!!!
Congratulations and wow it must be fantastic feeling to get recognition like that for all your hard work and emotional effort
was it jw related?
a death?
a friendship gone bad?
and ((((((minimus)))))) that's awful...I did'nt do much for a few months after my grandmother and both my parents died;could'nt work etc; you just need to give your life over to thinking about them or it dos'nt feel respectful, does it? My grandmother died of cancer-but I was able to be with her.
I thought I wouldn't post on this- but I want to now - i'm feeling quietly angry lately and sometimes getting it out makes you realise how far you've come.
I've been sexually assaulted three times; raped; verbally abused and badly beaten as a child from age 5-16, witnessed a level of violence that's a bit much to mention, nearly lost my brother because of it, but he's fine now
cannot visit my mother's grave as now my dad's there too...even though he was like he was it was still difficult to cope with his death as I had to grieve for something I had never had-a decent father;
have also had to deal with lack of confidence and self esteem issues and have an unenviable ability to switch off emotionally from people who threaten or scare me or make fun of me that is probably unhealthy-but a reactive coping mechanism i'm working on.
apart from that i'm fine
why are jehovah witnesses involved in so many missing persons reports?.
Hi ;
I don't know about many being involved in disappearances...but if that's true I wonder if as jw kids they're less able assess situations.I listened to a radio programme last year about sheltered kids being inequipped in life skills and assessing others because they wer'nt allowed to make choices about their lives and learn from them during their teenage years ?
Makes your heart go cold, dosn't it? my daughter's going out tonight.......we made a deal a few months ago that if she wants to go out she has to agree to name a time to come home and let me book her a taxi there and back, or she dosn't go.....now I know she's as safe as possible.
can someone please explain to me why a person who was one a jw, left, bitched and complained about them, the way they think, the things they do...and then go back to them
i just don't understand it ...can someone please help clarify this for me...i'm at a loss on this one.
can we still call god, jehovah.
ok stupid question but i really want to know
A figment of my imagination.
in my trousers, too!
heh heh, englishman getting smutty, you think?
today, early this afternoon, i was clambering about on someone's roof making a repair to the dormer window.
This thread sounds like your very own script for a 'Carry on Roofing' film, Mike
Hope you feel better soon (((you poor thing))) just keep that leg up and the glass full to dull the pain...I think there's going to be trouble now you've got time on your hands...
this is in the jokes and humour section, so if you are easily offended by jokes and humour please leave now.
ok all you clever jwd computer bods, how about a competition to create the most amusing or thought provoking watchtower cover?.
here is the original cover:.
Hands on hips;
an appropriate way to stand?
Can pelvic juttings offend?
this is in the jokes and humour section, so if you are easily offended by jokes and humour please leave now.
ok all you clever jwd computer bods, how about a competition to create the most amusing or thought provoking watchtower cover?.
here is the original cover:.
are you REALLY compatible?
Which species make the best mates?
i'm reading dave barry's "tricky business" right now....it's a hoot!
so...what're yall reading?.
frannie b
I've nearly finished Red Azalea by Anchee Min; incredible story, very nicely written .
Living within the constrains of the Communist party and the mental control exercised on the members reminded me incredibly of being in the WTBS.
Some phrases would have fitted into a Watchtower if you'd replaced The Party for The Society...