She is LOVELY I agree...always so sweet and caring...i think we should have a 'say something nice about seeit all' thread....
JoinedPosts by reboot
TO ,Seeitallclearlynow
by kls ini got your pm, bet you didn't get mine back .
my pmer don't work.
it is better but it is still wait and see .
So... the BBQ this year
by ball. inanyone in the uk still up?
i think there'e gunna be a lot of bikers there from the sound of it.i've finished greasing my bike up.
filling my mp3 player up with albums for the journey.
ah ball,,, dont stress, they sell beer youll love'll be fine you we ahte them cos the blokes are weird..unless youve had a sex change since i saw you last they wont bother you lol
by reboot inhazardous materials information sheet.
Atomic mass
Accepted at 53.6 kg but known to vary from 40-200kg
Copious quantities found in all urban areas
Physical properties
1.Surface usually covered in painted film
2.Boils at nothing, freezes for no apparent reason
3.Melts if given special treatment
4. Bitter if incorrectly used.
5.found in various stated forms from virgin metal to common ore
6. Yeilds if pressure applied tto correct places
Chemical properties.
1. Has great affinity for gold
2.Absorbs great quantitues of expensive substances
3.May explode pomtaneously, without prior arning and for no apparant reason
4.Insoluable in liquids but activity increases greatly with saturation in alcohol
5'Most powerful money reducing aent known to man
Common uses
1, Highly ornamental, especially in sportscars.
2.Can be great aod to relaxation
3.very powerful cleaning agent
1. Pure specimen turns rosy oink when found in natural state
2.Turns green when placed next to a better specimen
1.Highly dangerpus except in experienced hands
2.Illegal to possess more than one, although several specimens may be maintained at different locations as long as they do not come into direct contact with eachother
So... the BBQ this year
by ball. inanyone in the uk still up?
i think there'e gunna be a lot of bikers there from the sound of it.i've finished greasing my bike up.
filling my mp3 player up with albums for the journey.
I'm still up..was gonna get an early night but opened a bottle of wine....guess what Sirona?im wearing .....jeans.......went shopping all day and came back with ...nothing........except for some really nice choc from Thorntons that i ate in the car on the way home , some 'veet' and a jacket i dont like*...oh, and a red face as I pulled a really nice scarf in a hippy shop that was on a display and the whole lot came down along with the wooden rail that missed my head by inches....
*had to buy said jacket as i felt guilty i'd ruined the display
Oh and the pubs in Cheddar are crap're ging to have to drink ALOT of beer to make up for it...
Bye Bye Warfarin, Amiodarone, Medical Bracelets.
by Englishman injust been to wsm general.. mister hooper, success!
you have full sinus rhythm.
you are 10 pounds lighter.
Excellent news.......
I guess that means I won't have to blame it on a bunch of keys anymore.
lmao, i'll buy you some socks for your birthday.......
What's the closest you've ever been to death? ever think "this is it?"
by doodle-v inhave you had any close calls?
what's the closest you've ever been to kissing it good-bye?
did your outlook on life change because of it?
((((((((( ohio))))))))))) bloody hell........... we nearly lost you...?
WORDS, did you understand what I typed?
by Sassy ini found this interesting and thought i would share .
i cdnuolt blveiee taht i cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht i was rdgnieg.
the paomnnehal pweor of the hmuan mnid.
We're very clever ar;nt we? lol the human mind is programmed to try to 'make sense' of all it 'sees'.So far apparently it's been impossible to get a computer to recognise a partial letter/number..but our minds can fill in the blanks really well,
I think its all to do with the way we are wired up and the way we learn as children..when we're little we are 'programmed' to see commections that help us make sense of the world around us...a mini scientific experiment takes place each time a child views something new..they try to fit it in to the world they have experenced and make connections...thats why we're so good at seeing 'prophesy' and fall for the WT lines...we are trying to make connections and see them all too easily...
What's the closest you've ever been to death? ever think "this is it?"
by doodle-v inhave you had any close calls?
what's the closest you've ever been to kissing it good-bye?
did your outlook on life change because of it?
(((((fbf))))) glad you are ok too...
What's the closest you've ever been to death? ever think "this is it?"
by doodle-v inhave you had any close calls?
what's the closest you've ever been to kissing it good-bye?
did your outlook on life change because of it?
I was partially strangled once and nearly 'went'.
The blackness was closing in and my ears started ringing so loudly I could'nt I passed out my last thoughts were;
'I did'nt wash my hair today I hope undertakers do that before people view bodies'
Made me realise how suddenly life can be snatched away, and how lucid and surreal our last thoughts are...I was run over too ; the car drove up my leg and I remember thinking if he dosnt stop he'll be on a straight line for my skull and that's gonna hurt...' Lol
I was amazed at how un-profound my last thoughts will, eventually, probably be....
Profound statement thread
by Brummie insomeone said this to me today ... .
"love is not a feeling, its an act of will".
i had never thought that through before.
I found Tracey Emmens' neon heart installation with the words....
'You forgot to kiss my soul'
inside, profound in the extreme....helping us to remember about the sensitivities of others' and treating them well in a culture that's obsessed with the physical act of sex that's often devoid of love....