Dearest Maximus... may you have peace!
I am not sure I comprehend you correctly when you said, "Please expand about it." I guess is that you wish to know why I use the phrase and wish peace to those I speak to (if you are even asking at all)...
First off, it is my way of letting the recipient know that I am 'entering' into their 'house'... invited or uninvited... and bring with me 'good intentions' (as the Chinese say). I bear no ill-will and have not come to 'scope out' what I could 'carry off', but instead, to impart some 'good'.
Second, I offer such peace as a 'blessing'. In the time of my forefathers, the GREATEST gift one could give another was his or her blessing... not necessarily for prosperity, but more for goodwill. It was a means of showing one 'favor', that they were held in great esteem in your eyes.
Third, it is a subjection of myself to such one, as such one's servant, for although when entering another's house, such one has the responsibility to 'show hospitality' and 'wash MY feet'... I understand my position in the universe... that in truth, I am such one's 'servant'... and have made myself at his/her service.
Fourth, it is my wish for an absence of strife upon the individual... AND his/her entire household.
And finally, it is what my Lord has taught me to do toward... and wish for... all... excluding those who would not 'receive' it... in which case I receive it back to myself. Thus, it is a 'sharing'... of myself... my spirit.
And in that 'light'... I bid YOU peace... and I am...
YOUR servant, and a slave of Christ, to time indefinite...