YOU SAID Christ lied.
What I tried to help you to SEE, O hard of hearing man, is that OUR dogmatic perception of the word 'lie' is NOT the same as the Hebrew word that indicates DECEIT. You missed it. BIG surprise...
Now you change the whole topic of discussion to hide your foolishness.
Changed the 'topic'? I absolutely did not change the topic, but merely expounded on it and REASONED on it... which again... you missed. BIG surprise.
Convoluted utter ridiculousness. Pure Smoke and Mirrors and jibberish non sense.
To the dogmatic and 'physical' man... indeed. BIG surprise.
1 Peter 2:22 - 22 "He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth."
I absolutely agree. That, in fact, was my POINT: no... DECEIT... which word has as its PURPOSE... and intent to cause HARM. But, you fail to get the 'sense' of it. BIG surprise.
John 7:8 - 8 "You go on, and I'll come later when it is the right time."
Oh, now wait! WHO's 'changin' stuff now? You found a TRANSLATION that fits your misunderstanding and all of a sudden he said something different. What is SAID to them was "I'm not going up NOW...", but in fact DID go up... and did so secretly. Funny, you did add that verse. BIG surprise.
The right time is when God says it is. Not when you or anyone else says it is. This is simple reading. Nothing hidden.
O man whose 'ears' are yet to be excavated... when my Lord said, "My time has not come," he WASN'T TALKING ABOUT THE TIME TO GO TO FESTIVAL. He was talking about his 'time'... to be the LAMB... SLAUGHTERED... on behalf of the world. Tell me, when Mary informed my Lord of the lack of wine at the wedding in Cana, you didn't think my Lord was saying, "Look, Mom, it's not my TIME to make wine?" Did you really think that? BIG surprise.
They most certainly knew EXACTLY who HE was
Funny... why did Judas have to identify him then? Why did they 'fall away' when they finally saw him? Indeed, many of the Pharisees had laid eyes on him, but those seeking to KILL him... had not. It was PROPHESIED that they would not. Funny, you don't know this. BIG surprise.
John 7:11 - 11 Now at the Feast the Jews were watching for him (not his disciples) and asking, "Where is that man?" (NOT where are those men he was with.)
Okay, somebody stop me from ROFL... 'Pom, dear one, IF they knew what he LOOKED like... WHY DIDN'T THEY SEE HIM WHEN HE GOT THERE? Oh, right! You're one of those people who believe that he, like, wore some different clothing or something. BIG surprise. 'Pom, he was IN THEIR FACES... but they didn't know it... because they didn't know what he LOOKED like.
John 5:16-18
16 So, because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, the Jews persecuted him. 17 Jesus said to them, "My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working." 18 For this reason the Jews tried all the harder to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even calling God his own Father, making himself equal with God.
And your point? 'Pom, they didn't kill him before his 'time'... because... the ones whose JOB it was was to kill him... didn't know what he looked like. That is why he ALWAYS managed to elude them. It is why Judas had to identify him. They were LOOKING for someone who LOOKED like a king. My Lord did not; QUITE the opposite, he appeared as a leper, 'unclean'.
His WHOLE purpose in going to that feast was to TAUNT the Jewish leaders. Harden their hearts. Build up the hatred within them. So they would WANT TO KILL HIM.
Now, YOU'RE the liar. Did you not hear and have you not read that my Father "does not WANT ANY TO DIE... but wants ALL to attain to repentance?" If what YOU say is true, why then would my Lord stand above Jerusalem and cry over her, saying, "How MUCH I wanted to gather you like a hen gathers her chicks... but YOU didn't want it?"
My Lord went up to the festival, because THE LAW COVENANT required him to attend the festival. He HAD to go, so that it could be fulfilled that he FULFILLED THE LAW... in every way.
Funny you don't know this. BIG surprise.
Christ was pulling their pants down and exposing them for what they truly were, sons of snakes and offspring of vipers...timing WAS everything.
(Sadly shaking head)... you are in serious error, 'Pom. My Lord is the 'image' of my Father. And my Father is love. And love... does NOT 'rejoice over unrighteousness', but instead believes all things, HOPES all things... and never fails. These ones, 'Pom... exposed... themselves. It is SATAN who taunts... and NEVER my Lord. This was a grave and serious error on your part. Big surprise.
Timing IS everything. Timing WILL BE everything.
Well, it's not 'everything'... for my Father will show mercy to whomever HE wishes to show it, no matter where 'time' stands for such one. But it is important. So much so, that my Lord lovingly TOOK a 'righteous' transgression, which made it NOT a sin, so that MANY would gain life.
Rev 14:15 - "Take your sickle and reap, because the time to reap has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe." Rev 14:18 - "Take your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of grapes from the earth's vine, because its grapes are ripe."
Isn't it funny that John wrote this almost 60 years AFTER my Lord said, "Look! The fields are white for HARVESTING. Therefore, BEG the Master to send more workers out into the field?"
Can you tell to what either of these, John or my Lord, were referring, dear 'Pom? No? Big surprise.
You are a False Teacher and a fool as prophesied by our Lord.
Hmmmm... I actually recall my Lord 'prophesying' something a little different. Rather than condemning a 'fool', he condemned the one CALLING someone a 'fool'... yes? I wonder, then, who really IS the 'fool'? I guess 'time'... will tell.
I bear you no ill-will and my peace remains... even in the face of your animosity, hard-heartedness... hatred(?). I'd watch those 'fruits', though, if I were you.
A slave of Christ,