Hello, dearest *A* (sorry, I don't quite feel 'free' enough to use that name in the same line as 'dearest'... yet)... may you have peace. I would like to respond, if I may; thank you.
Are you absolutely sure you're not emotionally traumatised?
You mean by what Kent said? Absolutely! I did not accept this 'torture stake', dear one, and 'miss its purpose'.
The way some people reacted I thought someone posting Frank Zappa lyrics at you had made your head explode.
They're loving, decent people, *A*. 'Champions', all... and to be admired. People stand up for what they believe in; that is all these did... on both sides.
And I hope me thinking you are a little... well, insert phrase one would normally reserve for describing someone who says they have a mission from god... isn't insulting. I'm not interested in insulting you.
Again, I understand what 'awaits' me. Have no fear... I took no offense. If I wasn't offended at Kent, how, dear one, can I be offended at your 'truth'? It is written in Proverbs, "Do not hurry yourself to be offended, for the taking of offense is what lies with the stupid ones." Now, granted, I am a little naive from time to time... but I don't wish to be thought stupid by my Father or my Lord. Others, though, will think what they will... whether 'tis true... or not... yes?
If I told people I was coming from god people saying I needed therapy would be kind of par for the course.
Well, of course. Was not my Lord thought 'mad' and possessed with a demon? Were not my brothers? The Prophets? In what way could I consider myself, a mere slave, above my Master? It truly doesn't work that way, *A*. Honest. And I know it: I wasn't promised a 'rose garden'; at least, not in THIS system of things.
I understand that this might be your personal reality; I don't think you are lying in a deliberate fashion.
It is VERY real for me... and I am not lying... deliberately or otherwise.
But can you understand if it is not my reality when all I have is your word for it? And that therefore it seems a little mad?
Absolutely. But... you don't HAVE to take MY word for it... There is, after all, the Word of God. You can ALWAYS take his...
I am sure you have heard other people, or at least read of other people, claiming the same thing.
Most certainly, just as my Lord said there WOULD be: false prophets and false christs, to mislead if possible... 'even the chosen ones'. Yes, I understand this. But... my Lord did not leave us 'without witness' as to how we would KNOW such ones... yes? By their 'fruits'? What 'rotten' fruit, then, have I offered anyone here... or elsewhere? And what 'fruit'... has been thrown at me? For this reason, I asked Simon to let the posts stand... so what we can ALL see who is who... and what... is what.
So I am interested why you think you are right
I am not 'right', the same as I am not 'good', the same as I am not the 'truth'. I am merely a servant to the Household of God, a slave, sent to speak. So, I speak. There is but ONE that is 'good'... and His Son that is Truth. I just happened to be... ummmm... 'employed' by them as a 'worker' in their 'field'. DON'T listen to me... my message is... LISTEN TO THEM.
and they are wrong
What 'they'? The ONLY 'they' I have publicly stated as 'wrong'... is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of the Religious Order of the Christian Congregation of Jehovahs Witness and Kingdom Service... Incorporated. I have stated that others have been 'in error'... MISLED... lacking FAITH... BLIND... and even DEAF... but I have NOT labeled them as 'wrong'. I am sorry, but you are in error.
or does god have multiple representatives?
God, my Father, the Holy One of Israel... JAH OF ARMIES... has only ONE 'representative'. His Son and my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. My Lord, however, has sent out 'ambassadors', those who go and 'sue for peace' between him and them, while he is away.
In another post you corrected me
I apologize if you took offense at that...
I ask you then what proof does Jah of Armies equip you with to convince the sceptic?
Holy spirit. The same as He and/or His Son equipped ALL those 'sent' to the Household of God, Israel.
Or are we expected to use faith?
Well, yes, faith is good. But... faith is also a 'fruit' and a 'gift' of that spirit, yes? So, one might need a little spirit... first. One might have SOME faith, but need a bit more. Holy spirit grants that ("I HAVE faith; help me out where I NEED faith...")
And I also wonder what is the destiny of those who are not accepting you as god appointed?
It is not me that they need to 'accept', nor is it me... that they 'reject'. However, there are many, including many here, that have no desire to come into 'union' with my Lord... and so many are invited, but few are chosen. And yet, for those same ones, MOST of them have showed me great kindness. Thus, as my Lord has said, "To the extent you do it to the LEAST of these my brothers, you do it to me." Just a Rahab, then, who was a prostitute and was NOT an Israelite was saved, by means of her FAITH as exercised in her kindness in hiding the Israelite spies, so too the FAITH of such ones, by means of their loving kindness toward me... with 'go well' with them. I will NOT forget a single one of them, when I am granted to sit with my Lord in his kingdom. Not one. Indeed, I and my brothers will speak up for ALL of those who have crossed our paths, whether such ones did 'good' to us... or did not. Why? Because the obligation lies with US... to love FIRST. Just as our Father loved US... first... even when we were 'alienated' from Him... and walking in opposition to HIM. He did not hold it against us; in imitation of Him, then, we, too, must... and WILL... love our enemies... for it is through this that we are 'perfect, just as [our] Father who is in the heavens... is Perfect.
And, don't you think god's being a bit hard on Naeblis?
God... has done nothing to Naeblis. Not even judged... or condemned him. Naeblis... unfortunately... judged... and condemned... himself. From his own mouth. Now, whether or not he repents in his heart and is shown mercy... it not known to me. I know that blasphemy against the holy spirit is not 'forgiveable', in this system nor the one to come; however, I also know that my Father shows mercy... to whomever HE wishes to show it. It is not my 'business'. I simply delivered the message. And I stated that I 'hated' to even have to do it. I did... and I do.
I am not making fun of you;
No, I didn't think you were. My Lord says you are quite serious in your questions, and that I am to answer you straightforwardly, forthrightly... and truthfully. I have endeavored to do that.
I'm not going to say I think you're right
No, need to, dear one. I do not seek glory from men, but wish only the glory from my Father, through my Lord. They are the Ones who 'examine' me... and approve... or disapprove... me.
but your personae is interesting and I want to see how you reply should you choose to do so.
Then, as a good friend would say, "Okay, and there you go." I hope I have answered to your satisfaction. If not, I am yet still...
YOUR servant, as well as a slave of Christ,