Thanks to all who responded... in whatever way. Peace... to those who 'receive' it from me. I truly didn't mean to provoke, but understand. Silly me.
SJ, a slave of Christ, who has decided to 'move on'...
if i may... and may you all have peace.. at risk of chafing some... uh, 'positions' with regard to the current 'situation' facing this nation (u.s.) and a good part of the world, i have to ask:.
just now, i was watching the opening of president bush's address to congress.
as he entered the room, bush was given a grand standing ovation, whistling, cheers and great applause.
Thanks to all who responded... in whatever way. Peace... to those who 'receive' it from me. I truly didn't mean to provoke, but understand. Silly me.
SJ, a slave of Christ, who has decided to 'move on'...
if i may... and may you all have peace.. at risk of chafing some... uh, 'positions' with regard to the current 'situation' facing this nation (u.s.) and a good part of the world, i have to ask:.
just now, i was watching the opening of president bush's address to congress.
as he entered the room, bush was given a grand standing ovation, whistling, cheers and great applause.
Tom... okay... you 'win'.
Winston... it was told to me in the same 'context' when I was 'sent'... as it was to those. I 'heard' the admonition from my Lord LONG before I read it. As was/is the case with many other 'directives'.
Also, in contrast to your statement that:
If we aply it like you do, it would mean that the disciple would be saying "may you have peace" every time spoke after being quiet for a while.
... the directive had nothing to do with speaking after being quiet for awhile, but rather, as it states:
Wherever YOU enter into a house say first, 'May this house have peace.'
And since in this day and time the internet allows me access into YOUR house every time you open a post from me (which, in truth, is to ME... QUITE 'special', as there really is not other way similar to enter another's home; even TV and telephone don't quite do this...), I simply wish to offer to you and your household peace... in sincerity.
But since both of you have a problem with my sincere offering of peace... so be it. I understand (actually, I don't, for there is no harm or malice intended... but... okay... whatever...) May such peace, then, return to me (my Lord knows that in dealing with some, I most certainly need it). As YOU wish, I will not offer it to you again.
Please hear, understand and KNOW, however, that I will not STOP offering it others, unless it is their wish, too, not to 'receive' it. And that is decided on a case-by-case basis.
A slave of Christ,
if i may... and may you all have peace.. at risk of chafing some... uh, 'positions' with regard to the current 'situation' facing this nation (u.s.) and a good part of the world, i have to ask:.
just now, i was watching the opening of president bush's address to congress.
as he entered the room, bush was given a grand standing ovation, whistling, cheers and great applause.
Tom T., peace to you.
You asked:
Why are you asking US all those stoopid questions, Shelby?
Why didn't you ask your Schpirit Guide for "direction"? Didn't your all-knowing Schpirit Guide watch Bush's Address last night? And most of all, why didn't you wait until you "heard" from your Schpirit before you popped off here? Usually, you say you have to "wait for the message/direction" before you can "deliver" what you "have been given" to say.
All I can say is perhaps you overlooked my statement, to wit:
I simply wish to understand that which I do not: certain ways of thinking by earthling man, including you all. I hear what my Lord says... and I also asked you.
Not to worry, Tom. Your apology is already accepted.
Winston... peace to you, as well, and may I direct you to:
Luke 10:5
I received such direction from my Lord, to wish peace upon any house that I entered, and by means of the internet, I am 'entering' many a house. I am quite sorry that my wish for peace for you... and others... is as a 'clashing cymbal' to your ears. Truly. But I still wish you well... and wish you peace. Honestly. (Though I am at a loss as to why 'hello' and 'how are you', both of which ARE meaningless, the latter being purely rhetorical these days... is not an issue...)
Ah, well... "earthling" man... who says he WANTS peace... but evidently doesn't want anyone to WISH him such. Go figure.
A slave of Christ,
if i may... and may you all have peace.. at risk of chafing some... uh, 'positions' with regard to the current 'situation' facing this nation (u.s.) and a good part of the world, i have to ask:.
just now, i was watching the opening of president bush's address to congress.
as he entered the room, bush was given a grand standing ovation, whistling, cheers and great applause.
Danny... (waving white flag)... may you have peace... perhaps you think me smug. But let me let you in a on a little bit of 'truth' about me: I was quite serious with my question. I am TRYING to understand what I do not. I am not trying to irritate you or anyone else. And I have admitted my naivete and puerility in this matter. And I don't see that 'freedom to sit home and enjoy it'... at least, not in the way I think you expressed it. Not when there is possibility of conscription, not when we all can and most probably will be affected by all of this in SOME way. Not when there are people on the 'other' side who do NOT have such freedom.
What I was asking was, seriously, is there only two sides... and I guess I also wanted to know if... and why... a third (or fourth or fifth) side would be.... ummmm, lacking. I did not mean to touch a 'nerve' for YOU in this matter, though, and so I will leave off from it. It is apparently quite dear to YOUR heart, and I have no desire to harm that in any way.
JustAThought... peace to you, as well... you are correct: 'reaped' is an inappropriate word. Perhaps very. I think. I say I think, though, because I believe that all of this started well before Clinton's administration, with the REAGAN (Republican) administration and further exacerbated in the last BUSH administration. And I may be wrong. I think I used 'reaped' because I was thinking more along the lines of 'the sins of the father'. I apologize.
Your explanation of the applause, etc., is quite acceptable. It is what I asked and I wanted to understand, truly. You see, guys, I have not been following this matter just since Tuesday, September 11th. As a child of Abraham, and a brother, then, of Ishmael, I have tried to keep up with things between Islam and Christendom, Israel and Arabs, Jews and Palestinians, for quite some time. And what I 'see' is a bit different, I think, from what many of you do. I have friends from Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Korsovo, Serajevo; friends that are Arab, Muslim, 'christian', Jewish, etc. And so, I may perhaps have a different 'picture' of the issues based on this.
And that is okay. I simply wish to understand that which I do not: certain ways of thinking by earthling man, including you all. I hear what my Lord says... and I also asked you. I do not YET see Bush as a 'hero'... but that may be left to be seen. I do not know. I just thought that perhaps they should have heard what he had to say... BEFORE all the kudos. I mean, what if he said something that the majority DOESN'T agree with? To me, that is sort of like nodding at WTBTS propaganda... just for the SAKE of nodding and agreeing.
You see, what a LOT of Americans DON'T know is that there is a media 'blitz' placed by our government over matters of foreign affairs and such, and particularly war, and related incidents. Trust me, I KNOW this. It is law, and it occurred after Vietnam... in an effort to stave off any unpopular response by the citizens so that the dissent of Vietnam would NEVER occur again. It is their 'effort' to keep the country 'united'. And so what we ARE permitted to know and hear... is not always truth!
But it seems to me that just like JWs appear to wish to be lied to... and LOVE it... there are many US citizens who wish the same thing... and LOVE it.
And I guess I just don't understand that.
Oh, and just so you all know, while I am not a 'voting' woman (Lord, in truth, who cares what I think?), if I HAD to choose, and choose only between Democrat and Republican... I would have to go with... Republican. Sorry, but that is the truth. While Democrats appear to be 'nice'... I don't necessarily trust 'nice'. I prefer to have a person's 'hands'... where I can 'see' them. And I have an uneasy feeling about all of the social service 'stuff'... and its TRUE purpose. Just my opinion and position.
Enough... and peace!
A slave of Christ,
if i may... and may you all have peace.. at risk of chafing some... uh, 'positions' with regard to the current 'situation' facing this nation (u.s.) and a good part of the world, i have to ask:.
just now, i was watching the opening of president bush's address to congress.
as he entered the room, bush was given a grand standing ovation, whistling, cheers and great applause.
Danny, may I ask:
Are there truly only two sides? I don't understand that, really. If that's the case, can you explain it to me?
jack was his name and killing puppies was his game.
he was the best god damned puppy killer around, and folks in them here parts knew he always did good work.
"got too many puppies," the old man drawled, "don't wants to kill them but what can be done?".
'Secretly', BMango? What 'secretly'? I like what I like... and don't what I don't.
SJ (who has no 'secrets' because they're simply not worth it when revealed...)
if i may... and may you all have peace.. at risk of chafing some... uh, 'positions' with regard to the current 'situation' facing this nation (u.s.) and a good part of the world, i have to ask:.
just now, i was watching the opening of president bush's address to congress.
as he entered the room, bush was given a grand standing ovation, whistling, cheers and great applause.
No, Danny, I 'see' what you are saying. But I just wish you would see what I am saying:
I asked a question about the accolades for George Bush. Period. You and TR responded with, what to me, was irrelevant to the question. And... against my better judgment... I responded to that. And I did so with a bit of chagrin, which I explained in my last post: it was close to 'home'. I just had a young friend, a 'son'... ship out to the Persian Gulf. A young man I tried to talk out of enlisting but who went ahead because the RECRUITERS told him Desert Storm was pretty much 'it'. No one was gonna 'mess with us' after that.
Yeah, right.
I just wondered if Bush had DONE something I didn't know about, or if it was simply a show of unity... I didn't bring God into it at all, but responded when He was. SIGH! I apologize for doing that. Then again, you know what? No, I don't. I apologize if my response OFFENDED you...
I am not a martyr, Danny, nor do I wish to be. I wish to speak as I do freely, just as everyone else here does. I don't deride, or slander or speak with malice. But I do have some passionate feelings of my own... and this issue... leaders hiding behind innocents... is one of them. I would NEVER have 'gone there' myself. Why was it okay for you all to?
anybody got answer?.
the bible says those who have faith in christ are emancipated from the fear of death.. what does that really and truley mean?.
speakers for prophet please don't answer, except in you own words.. .
Hey, Win... peace to you!
Okay, the 'short' version:
Neither God nor Christ fear Death, for Death has no 'hold' on either of them. They are 'in union' by means of having one spirit. Those who are 'in union' with Christ, are thus, by default, 'in union' with God, and again, share one spirit.
Death... has NO hold on that one spirit... and thus, it is by that SPIRIT, that those in union with Christ have been 'emanicipated'... set free... from fear of Death. He (Death)... is impotent. No power whatsoever. You have no fear of one who has no power over you. Thus, you aren't in fear of him that can kill the body (to give it to Death), but rather Him that can kill the body AND the soul... in Gehenna.
Hope that helps and again, peace to you!
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
jack was his name and killing puppies was his game.
he was the best god damned puppy killer around, and folks in them here parts knew he always did good work.
"got too many puppies," the old man drawled, "don't wants to kill them but what can be done?".
if i may... and may you all have peace.. at risk of chafing some... uh, 'positions' with regard to the current 'situation' facing this nation (u.s.) and a good part of the world, i have to ask:.
just now, i was watching the opening of president bush's address to congress.
as he entered the room, bush was given a grand standing ovation, whistling, cheers and great applause.
Oh, and DBearMan? Forgive me, but:
I gave you a sincere response. I wasn't looking to debate with you who has a son or daughter in the military.
I did not actually see a response to ME from you. I thought you were responding to TJ, who responded to me... and so I just tried to understand something you said. My bad.