Hey, there, 'friend' Daddy-O... and may YOU have peace!
JustAThought... and may you have peace!
Yeah, I said... uh, 'wished' that...
I'm drowning in your "peace."
Are YOU JustAThought, Daddy-O? Truly, I did NOT know that! Honest.
Did God tell you to say that 1,000,000,000 times?
Uh, actually more like seven TIMES 1,000,000,000. LOL! No, really, I don't think there's a 'limit'...
I have been directed to ask you... and PLEASE understand the INTENT of my asking: Do you want the TRUTH?
Yep, I said that, too...
'Do you want the TRUTH?' Yes, I do. That's why I'm not asking you for it.
So... you're NOT JustAThought? You just respond to posts TO JustAThought? Can you help a sista' out, here? I'se 'confoozed'.
I'll figure it out on my own.
Well, you GO, boy!
Or I won't.
Well... at least you didn't hear it from me... but truth is, after all, TRUTH. Yes?
But I won't get it from you.
You most certainly won't. While I do KNOW the Truth, I do not 'possess' him or 'contain' him. Indeed, I can also TELL you the Truth... but I can't GIVE him to you... or to anyone else. You've got to go directly to HIM for that... well, at least ASK him. I think that's what I said to JAT, though.
You and only you have convinced me of that.
Well! At least I've 'convinced' you of something. Not that I was trying to... either way.
With that last question, your just set yourself up for another 100 post thread "humbly" aggrandizing yourself and your "gift."
Nahhh... I just spoke the truth, as I heard it FROM the Truth. You needn't have responded, as needn't anyone else... except, perhaps, JAT.
Jesus never did crap like that, I wish you would cut it out and follow his example.
But, indeed, I AM, dear one... truly.
And another thing: he never said "may you have peace" 1,000,000,000 times, either.
Uh, and just how would YOU know that? Because it wasn't RECORDED 1,000,000,000 times? Have you not heard and did you not read:
"JahEshua came and stood in their midst
and said to them: 'May you have peace'"
John 20:21
"There are, in fact, many other things
also which JahEshua did, which, if ever
they were written in FULL detail, I
suppose, the world itself could not
contain the scrolls written."
John 21:25
So, maybe he did... and maybe he didn't. So what? At any rate, I am seriously at a loss as to why a SINCERE wish of peace for some of you is such an irritant. Now, if I was to say something like... hmmmmm... "drop dead and kiss my..." I could see ya'll getting upset. But, I don't talk like that. (Well, yeah, I most CERTAINLY think like that, from time to time, and lately, quite a bit, if you want to know the truth...) However, I know a WHOLE lot of folks that do, some who even post here. Would say it right out... in a post... AND to your face. Why is it that that type of 'dialogue' makes some of ya'll giddy with excitement, and in contrast, wishing you well... by means of wishing you PEACE... just... well, pisses you off?
But frankly, my dear...
Chill, girl.
Cool as a cucumber, Daddy-O. Always. Honestly and truthfully. Easy to be, too, 'cause my Lord has said, in essence... "And NEVER let 'em see you sweat." So, I'm running at about a 'cool' 97.6 (my 'normal' body temp...)
Your friend,
LOLOLOLOL! Your REAL name wouldn't happen to be 'Brute', now, would it, Daddy-O? Ah, nevermind!
Peace, boy!!
Your servant, friend and slave of Christ... STILL...
Shel (who ain't mad at 'cha...)