AGuest (this is the last thing I'm going to say to you as AGuest)
So, it's "AGuest," now is it, dear Josie (peace to you!)? I am thinking that perhaps I offended you, somewhere. I would have hoped that had that been the case you would have simply let me know so that I could right whatever "wrong" you felt I'd done you (disagreed as to your purpose re the links on the DNA thread, perhaps? If so, please know that I almost didn't say anything but because you yourself have always said that our friendship didn't mean we had to agree, I felt it was safe to do so. I have realized that apparently that was not actually the case, but perhaps too late because I didn't before I disagreed with you.).
me thinks you protest too much.
But see, dear one, you didn't have to think - you could have simply asked. Or even called and said, "Hey, Shel, it looks to ME like..." because that is what FRIENDS do. And what you could have done... and I think you know that. That you didn't, though... seems... well, a bit odd to me. As someone you say is a friend. Perhaps I was the one who misjudged you... and for that I am truly sorry.
If you really didn't care what folks, who dare to disagree with you, think and say YOU would not say a peep to them. Not one peep.
That's not true, Josie, at least not for me. I don't care what they think about what I BELIEVE... or what I share as to that... and I have stated that many, many... many... times. I DO care that they want OTHERS to think that what they stated may be TRUE... when it isn't. That it's about ME is irrelevant. That is it about something they are purporting I've STATED... is another thing entirely. I am not a liar as to these things. Had you asked me, I would clarified that for you, without reservation. Openly, honestly... and quickly. Because I wouldn't have wanted you to have the wrong impression of what I MEANT.
But you do care. You want that attention. You like the attention. From my prospective it seems to feel a need.
Then you don't know me, girl. Because, again, you could have simply asked... either when we speak on the phone or when in one another's presence. YOU don't want to talk about these things, though, and so you don't ask. But if you don't bother to ask, yet come to such conclusions without even seeking clarification, how can you call yourself a friend? Friends give each other the benefit of the doubt... and ASK... if there's something they wish to know, particularly if that something is concerning to them. Particularly if that "concern" is about something they deem harmful... coming FROM or perhaps happening TO... a friend. Friends don't sit back... and pretend to BE friends... while "judging" one they "call" a friend, Josie. And friends aren't afraid to tell friends the truth. Even if they think it will hurt. They don't do it publicly, though, but between themselves... out of regard for the friendship. And particularly if they have a relationship, even a budding one, outside of public view. Unfortunately, your comments here have taken this discussion out of the realm of privacy that I would expect between friends.
An example to help you "see" what I mean is that whole NDrew mess... which I was not apart of and STILL don't know what transpired... because I did not go back and look it up. Why? Because I considered virtually everyone involved MY friend... and so would never have publicly taken sides. In the instance I felt something needed to be said, I said it. Privately. As a friend WOULD do. Because there were questions that needed to be asked so that I understood... and didn't just jump to conclusions because I wasn't privy to why someone may have done or was doing what they did. Yet, I let the other "friends" know that I had, although not the details. And an apology WAS given. Unfortunately, some of those "friends" were... and perhaps still are... just too hard-hearted to even condescend to accept it. Their loss, IMHO, because it was sincere.
But get this, no one here has to believe one peep that comes out of your mouth. Not one peep.
Where, dear Josie... have you EVER seen... or heard... me say, state, or post... that anyone HAS to? Including your dear self? Indeed, if that were the case, how then could you and I ever BE friends? Would I have not made that a term of our friendship, that you not only would have to be a believer... but believe what I state/say/post, as well? But that has NEVER been the case; even you yourself admit that! I know you don't believe what I believe... or even agree with it. And I have seen you and spoken to you... literally... MANY times. When, though, have I EVER made you even THINK I required... needed... or even WANTED... that from you? My friendship with you isn't based on our mutual beliefs. I never thought it HAD to be. There are things YOU believe that I do not. Where have you seen me accusing YOU of wanting, even trying to MAKE me believe what you do?
If you don't believe what I share, Josie... please... by all means... don't. But please don't take it personal if I don't believe/agree with what YOU believe/don't believe. Because it's NOT personal. I absolutely believe that you have every right NOT to believe what I do... just as I have every right NOT to believe what YOU do. But I do not let your adamant assertions as to what you believe cause division between us. My love for you wasn't based on a mutuality of beliefs; to the contrary, it was simply based on love for what is, IMHO, a great human being. Would that you could see me in the same way... in spite of my beliefs. I am devasted to realize that perhaps you can't.
And some folks will contest every word that you put on this board.
Am I not allowed the same freedom... to contest others' every word on this board... when it contests mine?
Your reaction to that fact is a reflection of YOU, not them.
Ah, yes, I see: the knife only cuts one way, in your eyes. Okay, no worries - I get it.
My apologies, truly, for offending you, if and when I did. But I can't stop believing what I do, Josie, or sharing it as I do... even for you. If, then, the terms of our friendship require it... then I will have to walk away. I don't WANT to; indeed, I am absolutely devastated that such may be required. But... I will. Just as I walked away from the WTBTS... which also told me that I had to believe what THEY believed... and stop believing what I believed... and stop telling people the truth as I knew it, when they asked. If I can walk away from them... I can walk away from ANYTHING. Including one I had hoped truly was a friend.
YOUR friend, servant, and a doulos of Christ,