There was paperwork, yes, and nothing was said about any damage of any kind (which there wasn't). Everything is being claimed after the car was dropped off.
If there was truly damage to a vehicle, wouldn't they want you to see it and show it to you so that before you left, so you had to admit guilt to the damage, that between when you took it, and when you returned it (so it was only in your possession) that any damage done would have had to have been on the fault of the renter? Other wise how can they hold you liable if they claim damage after you left. I have to wonder if someone returned their vehicle and ran into it or something? All I know is that the damage was not done when it was rented by me!
Wouldn't you know I didn't pick up the insurance they offer when renting the car. Maybe that is their scam? Get the ones who don't sign up for it?