Sounds like you had a blast. I like some metal but not all. Linkin Park is great though. But I'm a fat chick with no endurance so I would not have outlasted you!
projekt revolution.
the event started around noon wiht some of the smaller bands playing on the outdoor revolution stage.
(the bled, medina lake, saosin) we saw the first bit and then went to stand in the merch line up for the next two bands.
Sounds like you had a blast. I like some metal but not all. Linkin Park is great though. But I'm a fat chick with no endurance so I would not have outlasted you!
sorry, coco.
couldn't resist.
Close Relationships |
Platonic love in its modern popular sense is a non-sexual affectionate relationship, especially in cases where one might easily assume otherwise. A simple example of platonic relationships is a deep, non-sexual (i.e. overtly romantic) friendship, not subject to gender pairings and not excluding close relatives.
The Meaning of PlatonicThe dictionary definition of a platonic relationship, also known as platonic love, is that of an affectionate relationship between two people of the opposite sex, where there is no sexual element, although there could be the possibility for it. It is love based on the beauty of a person’s character and intelligence, not the appearance.
are talking down about jwd?
does it even matter, or does it become a verbal war between 2 sites?.
what happens with things like this?
Getting into silly tit-for-tat exchanges accomplishes nothing other than wastes time and I for one have much better things to be doing with mine.
My grandmother always told me if you wrestle with a pig you both get dirty and then you realize the pig is enjoying it.
On another note, did you and your wife move to Canada? When did that happen? I missed that news! Welcome to the continent.
sorry, coco.
couldn't resist.
I think this is mostly a heterosexual thing. Not so true for us gay folk. I have good good friends both men and women. And we are well known for being friends with our ex'es. Not always, of course, there's exceptions to everything. But its the sexual tension that gets in the way of a platonic friendship and if there isn't any there.... no problem.
i have to admit, before i had my own i was jealous of everyone elses so i jumped on the wagon.. i am making them of all my friends and i love getting a glimpse of what ppl look like simpsonized.
its actually surprising how close you can get a character to look like someone!.
if you havent got one yet go to
I love mine, and yes I have no chin, just like the avatar!
once in awhile you bump into exjws in the strangest places.
yesterday i was playing pogo and of all things, jws came up in conversation.
i mentioned that i used to be one and what do you know, there was another person in there as well!
once in awhile you bump into exjws in the strangest places.
yesterday i was playing pogo and of all things, jws came up in conversation.
i mentioned that i used to be one and what do you know, there was another person in there as well!
I'm not sure when she'll see this, she's deep in the "Best of Malawi" thread right now and IMing me like craazy with the madness of it all.
he's 7 weeks old, he's a chocolate lab and i named him tony.
his eye isn't messed up it just looks that way because i was trying to get his face to look forward while i pushed the button all at once.
he kept me up all night last night crying, but hopefully just like with my beagle he will outgrow that.
What a sweetie! I love labs. Your baby is adorable.
once in awhile you bump into exjws in the strangest places.
yesterday i was playing pogo and of all things, jws came up in conversation.
i mentioned that i used to be one and what do you know, there was another person in there as well!
Once in awhile you bump into exJWs in the strangest places. Yesterday I was playing Pogo and of all things, JWs came up in conversation. I mentioned that I used to be one and what do you know, there was another person in there as well! Please welcome our new member, Learningtofly. She's very intelligent and articulate and I see she has already come in with a reply on Wanderer's thread. I look forward to reading lots of her posts.
i've been away for quite awhile.
well, not really, just away from any discussion of that horrid religion.
i just couldn't give any more seconds of my life to talking about anything even remotely related to jehovah's witnesses.
Great to hear you're doing so well and I can't wait to see the youtube clip. One thing about it, being an exJW would give you material enough for years.
Good luck,