Dancer, Prancer, Comet....... wait, here's Vixen (the cutest elf of all)
Isn't she sweet? Actually her name is Molly.
i've been trying to remember the names of santa's elves - the reindeer are easy.
all i've got is grouchy, grumpy, growly, grody and grotty.
somehow that doesn't sound right.
Dancer, Prancer, Comet....... wait, here's Vixen (the cutest elf of all)
Isn't she sweet? Actually her name is Molly.
I use it all the time and have never had a problem.
Sherry case you're in the east washington area december through february.. i will be in the seattle and portland area in the spring.. .
Bryan will you please come back on and let us know when you are in Portland? I'd love to come to your signing. What a great anti-witness all this publicity is. I was a witness in Tri-Cities for years. Sock-it-to-em!
over the past few days... someone who i'm no longer associated with has been out on vendetta to discredit me.
it started with a mass mail to my myspace friends, which caused nothing more than a few eyebrows to be raised.
that was the reaction of people who know me in real life.
This whole thing is between Richie and Seth. Did Richie lie? Maybe, maybe not. But I for one could not care less. It doesn't affect me. People make mistakes. Life goes on.
We all just need to take a deep breath and calm down.
Having been fooled by Trevor doesn't give us a blank check to launch into character assassination every time we get suspiscious of someone. Be wary, be cautious. If your judgement is to not trust someone, don't share personal information, or avoid them. Unless they are a danger I don't see the need for the drama we've experienced here.
Richie I'm not your mom. You don't need me to mother you or give you lectures. I hope that you get this all sorted out and find peace.
Be well.
i live in washington state, and my area was one that was hit hard by flooding.
not my own home, thankfully, but many nearby.
we personally know several people who have lost their home, their car(s), their pets, their apartment, their everything.
Wow, Bebu, I didn't know you were from SW Washington. I'm glad your place was safe and that there is so much support there. I have heard the same, in fact a friend of mine from near there said that most of the big box stores are already back open and that driving through town it looks like nothing ever happened. I know there is still massive work to be done, but looks like massive work has already been done too.
I was amazed by that flood you guys had, I used to have a vacation place just southeast of you by Mayfield Lake, I've driven through there hundreds of times. It blew me away to see the pictures of the flood, it was massive. Seems bizarre that they built I-5 through a flood plain like that without raising it. Hopefully they learned something.
You are right about one thing, disasters seem to bring out the hero in people and it never fails to amaze me how people just roll up their sleeves and pitch in.
At the same time, it brings out the vultures too. I will never forget the looting in New Orleans, and when my brother had his fire they waited until the fire department sent him home and everyone cleared out and then came in and robbed him blind. For those types of people I have nothing but disgust.
in our tri state area (ny/nj/pa) we have this tall black brother (i think lived in malawi up 'till 7 years ago).. every time he does a talk he spends 10 minutes with the lifesaving hand of jehovah, true life experience of his, and the bla bla bla of how he had to hide in forest.
and was a wisper away from getting his head cut off.. now this is tearjerking, but after hearing him say the same bla bla bla for the past 7 years............ my question is this?---> is someone allowed to play this sympathy card forever?.
Ask him if he knew that while he was hiding his ass in the forest the rank and file in Mexico got to buy their card with the WTS' blessing and didn't have to hide. Now that may just piss him right off, and rightly so.
my sister-in-law is recently divorced and went to a witness online dating site.
she mentioned that many of the witnesses specified that they wanted a white or latino only.
of course there is nothing wrong with this (personal preference), but i found it interesting.
Oh hell yes, I like me some chocolate. mmmmmhmmmm
Reminds me, though, I thought my parents were open too, because all my life I had been taught diversity, valuing other cultures, and acceptance. I took that lesson to heart and as soon as I moved to the big city where there actually was some diversity I made some really good friends, a black man named Charles that played a MEAN jazz sax, and his sister Sherry. Sherry and I maintained we were twins. At any rate, Charles and I hung out a lot, though it was only a friendship.
I took him with me to my brother's wedding (little town in N Idaho), and the eyeballs got great big. My mom and dad took me to one side at the reception and asked me what my intentions were towards Charles. I asked them why they wanted to know. They went into this big speech about how the world would treat us bad and they didn't want that for their daughter. OMG I was so shocked. I truly, up until that time did not think of them as having any prejudice. Guess its ok as long as they don't marry your daughter.
Wish I would meet a nice eligible black woman, I'd love to talk to the hand. LOL
i am sort of shocked and wonder if i pulled this same kind of sh*t as a witness.
i already know jw's believe they are better than everyone else, what with being god's only chosen people and all that.. well, i am sitting at my table, minding my own business.
there is a group of six jw's at the next table, three adults, three kids.
Well I got a server error when I tried to post this last time, but lets try again!
I want to know if we can get a sticker made from Barbara's CD graphics for my laptop. That way when we run into JWs in the coffee shop we can show them that they need to be far more afraid of the evil within than the evil without.
i had such a shock today, its almost bizarre, my son was involved in an accident at work.
he's an ironwoker, which means he works the high steel on skyscrapers and such.
today he was working and tied his safety harness off to the cable as usual, and went to work.. lots of times they have to lean out and rely on that harness to keep them secure while they reach out to do whatever the hell it is they do (best mom's don't always know all), and today his dumbass bosses didn't have the cable attached on one end.
Thanks everyone for your kind responses. I'm beginning to catch my breath again now, its been a pretty scary experience. My son, however, expects to be back on the job on Friday. And, apparently his friends have been calling him and telling him he's the new Spiderman or Tarzan or something. Right now, though, I know he's on some kind of good meds and he's feeling no pain.
Ironworkers do have a great cohesive union and "brotherhood" thats for sure. I know that he'll be taken care of, still I'd prefer he had both feet planted securely on the ground.
Edited to add: This post is for sons and daughters both. If you don't have family that love you unconditionally you can find friends that do that end up being closer than blood ties. Hugs to all of you that have lost parents or even kids to the madness.
so is this witness mother of my son a glutton for punishment or what ?
to avoid boring you all ( as if this isn't getting a bit redundant already ) i have edited bits and pieces of the best parts of her first e-mail , and his return e-mail, and her last e-mail after his reply so you can see what went down in conversation .
thanks for reading, here is his mom on sunday night .
Mr. Flipper your son must love his mom very much to keep up this conversation. I'm glad she's still talking to him. As long as she's still talking and not shunning, there is hope, no matter how slim it now appears. What a patient thoughtful response.