In REALITY, Jesus sent out TEN SLAVES in 1914. The WTS is just one of them. They are the one, though, that becomes the EVIL SLAVE. "I have OTHER SHEEP not of this fold." The "little flock" are the faithful anointed ones among JWs who are removed and taken to where Christ has gathered his other sheep. The WTS is now considered "apostate" by Jehovah and Jesus Christ. So their fantasy about being chosen and approved is soon ending.
Just in passing, the 144,000 are the "natural Jews" in the kingdom who only make up the "root" the holy seed, which is only 10% of the whole (Isa 6:13). So the total number of anointed are 1,440,000, 144,000 of whom are natural Jews.
NOBODY GOES TO HEAVEN BEFORE ANYBODY ELSE! That is clear from 1 Thess 4:15-18! The WTS thinks some people are in heaven now while others are waiting to die to go to heaven. WRONG! The 1000-year rule of Christ is with the anointed in human bodies in the earth! Why would Christ rule for 1000 years from heaven? What? He and the 1,440,000 anointed are going to give dreams and visisions to "other sheep" elders to do all the actual ruling? No way! A 1000 years? If Christ came to be a human the first time to be a sacrifice, why would he not be human again for 1000 years? Why not have hands-on rulership? He will!! So Christ and the 1,440,000 will be humans for 1000 years. Then after that, Satan is released from the abyss. He causes some to rebel and they are killed. And THEN comes JUDGMENT DAY. All the dead come back to life and are judged on the moral choices they made while they were here the first time, that is, the "books are opened." Then after Judgment Day, Christ and the 1,440,000 elect then go up to heaven. That's when the RAPTURE takes place. They ALL at the same time go up to heaven.
Meaning? Meaning if you don't realize Jesus Christ will be in a human body for the 1000-year reign, then you are not following what the Bible teaches!
NOBODY FROM THE EARTH IS IN HEAVEN RIGHT NOW. The WTS is now the "evil slave" so they know nothing. They are in darkness. Christ sent out 10 slaves in 1914. One of them, the WTS, proved unfaithful. Being part of the WTS is now a liability.