Topics Started by naja
Exercise Patience Regional Convention
by Rattigan350 inthe theme of the in person convention this year is "exercise patience".
looking at the convention map, they are really using their assembly halls and they are using smaller civic centers or city arena.
no more huge stadiums.. are they not expecting a great crowd?
Covid lung damage worse than from heavy smoking
by FatFreek 2005 inwe've probably all heard it, "i wish i could get the covid and that way it would be behind me", as if it were some annoying rite of passage.
"sure, i'll lose my senses of smell and taste for awhile, i'll lose my strength for awhile", etc.. what else could be the reasoning for ignoring the social distancing to attend maskless parties and similar large group gatherings?.
however, looking at the following xray images of certain lungs may help impress some folks into thinking that there are more serious happenings in the attack progression of this virus.
Unique JW Phrases 101
by Solzhenitsyn inwhat unique to jws phrases do you remember?
something fun for those of us taught to speak an entirely unique and pure language.
there have been posts in the past in this forum but perhaps some have new ones after having kept up with jehovah's chariot as the light gets brighter.
Cite one scripture in the N.T. that chargers Christians to be witnesses of / for Jehovah.....Not one.using K.I ./ WTB&TS
by smiddy3 ini think the wtb&ts publication titled "the kingdom interlinear of the christian greek scriptures" speaks for itself.. the word for word translation of the greek into english.. that publication does not even contain the name or word jehovah either in hebrew letters or greek letters anywhere in the word for word texts.. their is not one scripture in the n.t.
where christians ,followers of jesus christ are instructed to be witnesses of jehovah ,however there are something like twenty scriptures that explicitly state followers of jesus christ are to be witnesses of, for, and about jesus...
German got his silver sword
by fastJehu inon saturday 02-02-2019 german jws got there silver sword.
rumour has it that all of europe received the translation yesterday, because gerrit lösch visited the european branch in selters (germany).
can anyone confirm that?.
Convention Dramas Let us read the reviews
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe summer 2006 convention drama reviews .
*spot on with the acting and costumes.
jehovah looks in our hearts regardless of the color of our skin.
November 2018 Watchtower study....attacking weak members, their personalities, and apostates
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower society always attempts to disprove or discredit valid arguments or statements by criticizing the ability of individuals to think, reason, ask tough questions and make their own decisions!
if they can't logically attack the message, they attack the messenger!!
the name calling of apostates or anyone who doesn't agree with all the wtbts flip-flops ( the light gets brighter) never stops!
Archaeologists discover ancient 4,400-year-old tomb decorated with hieroglyphs in Egypt
by naja inhow could this survive noah's flood?.
Are Anointed Female JW`s To Grow Beards In Heaven ?
by smiddy3 inok i have been out for over 25 years however i was active for 33 years and every picture /illustration of the 144,000 in wt publications i ever saw always showed the anointed/144000 with jesus on the throne apparently all male with beards.. not one woman was ever depicted in their drawings/illustrations that i ever saw of those sharing kingly rule with christ jesus not one.. and the saying is : 'a picture speaks more than a thousand words".
i can hear a jw apologist saying now [ their is no gender in heaven neither male or female ] well if that is the case why are everybody illustrated wearing a beard clearly a sign of being of the male gender.?.
in the wt illustrations/pictures of angels they are not shown as having beards giving the impression they are neither male or female .however not with those taken to heaven to rule with christ the anointed.. maybe the governing body of jehovah`s witnesses are showing their true feelings about women who claim to be of the anointed .. that the g.b.