... according to the teaching of the water canopy providing an equal moderate climate all over the earth God must have had the foreknowledge that he would cause the flood because otherwise there would be no need to create (design) the Saharan silver ant or animals that were designed for living in extreme cold if one believes in I.D.
Posts by naja
Or was it Designed???
by Slidin Fast inawake!
1 2017 says on its back page.
the saharan silver ant (cataglyphis bombycina) is one of the most heat-tolerant land animals known.
How long did people like Methuselah really live?
by dubstepped ini was working today and my brain was working in circles like it often does and i started wondering about what i was always told about people like methuselah in bible times, and their incredibly claims of longevity.
i've tried researching things but have a hard time getting through all of the bible thumpers to some real evidence, and figured that some here may be more informed or have done the research previously.
so, did people really live longer way back when?
Noah was 500 years old when he had his first son
Translators left without guidance!?
by anointed1 inif good news is to be preached in all nations, translation becomes a must, and translating is as important as original writing.
hence logically speaking, god should ensure that translation of the bible is done with utmost care.
but evidence suggests that god showed no interest in translation.. here is one example of luke 23:43. this is very significant in view of the importance of the subject:.
... after all it was not a very intelligent decision to confuse the languages at the Tower of Babel.
To love Jehovah more than friends and family.
by schnell inwhen i was a believer, i endorsed this idea too.
i commented with things like "love jehovah more than your mate" or "love jehovah more than your friends".. it didn't occur to me as i was saying it that jehovah is an idea.
this god concept is an idea that should really pass scrutiny if you're supposed to love it more than anything else.. at best, this means that jehovah is real and you have to love jehovah more than the people in your life, no matter the despicable things he is said to have done, condoned and endorsed in his holy writ.
Here a snippet of the District Convention Program 2014:
What must be kept in SECOND PLACE – especially the 5th point in the Symposium – Family Ties
What were you never going to do in "This system" But did it?
by karter infinish school.. finish my apprenticeship (why are you doing that brother karter you will never finish it in this system).. buy a house.. pay the house off.. karter..
My parents were told I would not even enter school in the 1950ies. Now I have grand children, the oldest 10 years of age. -
What is your relationship with ALCOHOL?
by nicolaou inhere in the uk new drinking guidelines have been issued which suggest "no more than 14 units a week - equivalent to six pints of beer or seven glasses of wine.".
another piece of the advice which is getting a lot of attention is that "if people drink, it should be moderately over three or more days and that some days should be alcohol-free.".
already people are making cries of "nanny state!
I go with Homer Simpson:
"Alcohol is the cause and the solution to all of life's problems"
Noah's Ark
by Darkknight757 inso i'm reading the book "the atheist book of bible stories" and something just occurred to me.. noahs ark rested on the top of mount ararat.
how the hell did all the land animals, dinosaurs and other monsters get to ground level?
did noah and his family just push them off the mountain and hope for the best?
... and the rainbow serves as a sign that Jehovah will never drown the earth again because he has another alternative: F I R E – 2. Peter 3:7 -
sorry, it is: "If I Never Sing Another Song". Sung for instance by Sammy Davies Jr., Shirley Bassey etc.
Udo Jürgens, c omposer of this song died yesterday – RIP
GETTING THINGS STRAIGHT. Who invented the "FDS" as a prophetic identification of the GB? WHEN?
by Terry in15 july 1906 issue of the watch tower russell stated maria russell was the first who in 1894 "called attention to matt.
24:44-45, applying it to me at a meeting at allegheny and in another meeting with the new york church.
i demurred that i had not thought of the passage thus, and declined to make any personal application of it, although i could not deny the force of the argument....i urged great moderation in the making of any personal application" (p. r3811).
marked, thanks.