GETTING THINGS STRAIGHT. Who invented the "FDS" as a prophetic identification of the GB? WHEN?

by Terry 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    15 July 1906 issue of the Watch Tower Russell stated Maria Russell was the first who in 1894 "called attention to Matt. 24:44-45, applying it to me at a meeting at Allegheny and in another meeting with the New York Church. I demurred that I had not thought of the passage thus, and declined to make any personal application of it, although I could not deny the force of the argument....I urged great moderation in the making of any personal application" (p. R3811). in the same issue, Russell declares himself (with professed humility) to be "God's mouthpiece" with the unique role of disseminating God's truths as his "agent"

    A FEMALE received this amazing NEW LIGHT! She convinced her MALE husband of the force of its logic! (Remind you of the Adam and Eve scenario?)

    "I claim nothing of superiority, nor supernatural power, 'dignity or authority; nor do I aspire to exalt myself in the estimation of mv brethren of the household of faith....No, the truths I present, as God’s mouthpiece, were not revealed in visions or dreams, nor by God's audible voice, nor all at once, but gradually, especially since 1870, and particularly since 1880. Neither is this clear unfolding of truth due to any human ingenuity or acuteness of perception, but to the simple fact that God’s due time has come; and if I did not speak, and no other agent could be found, the very stones would cry out" (p. R3822).

  • Terry

    A strong case can be made for Maria Russell studying Ellen G. White's leadership success among the ADVENTISTS, applying it to the "faithful and wise servant" scripture for her own (and husband Charles) purposes.

    applying it to the "faithful and wise servant" scripture for her own (and husband Charles) purposes.


    Maria Ackley (Russell) was the driving force behind the invention of Russell's theology as a modern day "inspired" prophet!


    At the death of Russell, Rutherford was all about preserving Russell's image, importance and "source authority".

    She co-wrote, edited and oversaw Russell's earliest successful writings (Studies in the Scriptures) and defended him against

    accusers (fraud, misrepresentation) by traveling around the world on his behalf. She believed in EQUALITY FOR WOMEN.

    Unfortunately for her, Russell did NOT.

    She spilled the beans on his mental cruelty and obtained a decree of permanent separation. *Note: not a divorce. Rusell hid his money and cheated maria out of her Alimony.


    But, how could he, Rutherford, steal that for himself?

    The only means that could possibly work was by absorbing the "source authority" for his own agenda.

    Historically, Rutherford was a despot who ruled with an iron hand and dominated his readers. But, why would these date-setters accept his despicable personality and agenda in the first place?

    Who were these people?

    THEY WERE WHAT WAS LEFT after yet another Great Disappointment (Russell's death, 1914 non-Armageddon).

    I assert these were person's disaffected with mainstream society and mainstream doctrine and mainstream religion!

    These were rabid revolutionaries loaded for bear!

    Rutherford's angry tirades against Government, Religion, Clergy and Societal Norms APPEALED to their radical psychology.

    They were not primarily date-setters, but, easily manipulated revolutionary misfits disaffected and dedicated to strong leadership.

    Hitler found similar people to dominate and lead in Germany years later.

    Rutherford used what worked for Catholicism: the doctrine of Magisterium.

    When the Church presents some doctrine as definitive or final, it comes under this protection, it cannot be in error; in other words, it is infallible. This is true even if the Church does not use the solemn ceremony of definition. The day to day teaching of the Church throughout the world, when the Bishops are in union with each other and with the Pope, and present something as definitive, this is infallible. (Vatican II, Lumen gentium # 25).

    Rutherford did not call his source authority by this term, of course! He magnified the Maria Russell definition into his own version.

    Russell, UNLIKE Rutherford, did not believe in ORGANIZATION.

    Rutherford used "faithful and discreet slave" magesterium to build ORGANIZATION.

  • Terry

    Remember the setting---the time and place in history of Russell and his publishing empire.

    The events of the GREAT DISAPPOINTMENT were fresh in the minds of people fooled by William Miller's public preachments and proofs.

    Many more predictions followed by various would-be 'prophets' and each equally failed.


    The 2nd Advent people were stubbornly refusing to let go!

    These people had a real taste for being right!

    They loved the idea of being able to predict accurately a DATE CERTAIN!

    There was a kind of De Facto competition as to who could present the most believable prediction and explanation.


    The best flim flam came from around the time of a man named BARBOUR who accepted a suggestion that the word PAROUSIA might

    be just the clue necessary!

    We all know about that word--don't we?

    Parousia was a gimmick explanation.

    1874 had been predicted and failed.

    HOWEVER--USING 'PAROUSIA' the failed prediction could be inflated into a SUCCESS!!

    "Jesus DID return in 1874--you just couldn't SEE him literally because he was INVISIBLE."


    But, they weren't laughing. A lot of people LOVED IT.


  • Terry

    Imagine the excitement!

    Adventists, Bible Students, Russellites, Age to Come believers and a bevvy of other like-minded wackos (good people, but eccentric!)

    found themselves sharing ideas, speculations, debates over the Return of Christ. How could any ONE leader take the lead?

    Ellen White and Pastor Russell were each--in remarkably different venues--top contenders for the prize.


    Ellen White had 'visions' and Pastor Russell had, um. . . what?

    Russell had money, a successful publishing corporation, a sales force (colporteurs) and newspaper columns with his sermons in them.

    He had a lovely, intelligent wife and a UNIQUE interpretation of scripture: THE FAITHFUL AND DISCREET SLAVE "prophecy"!!


    This imaginative interpretation of the parable as a PROPHECY turned things completely around for Russell!

    Most old-fashioned, conservative Christian males were rather uncomfortable with the idea of a WOMAN as a teacher.

    Russell's money, his gimmick (Pyramidology), his publishing empire, his INVISIBLE JESUS, (borrowed from Barbour) and his DATE SETTING (borrowed from Aquila Brown) were too wonderful to ignore.

    BESIDES--he had a PENIS!!

  • Terry


    Just about all the various groups were rallying behind Pastor Russell at one time or other.

    (See ** below)


    Russell screwed up!

    There were scandals about finances, fraud, infidelity, his legitimacy, and then. . .failed prophetic non-events.

    True believers remained loyal because they liked the man's personality and the excitement and certainty in his writing.

    But--DEATH CAME and that would likely have ended it all.


    Except for the legal expertise of Judge Rutherford in IGNORING Russell's will and wishes saved the day!


    Almost immediately, Rutherford's corrosive temperament rubbed people the wrong way!

    He tried everything he could think of to cling to Russell's legacy by any lie he could imagine.

    One by one these various, independent groups fell away from the new RUTHERFORD BRAND of Russellism!

    The Judge even resorted to the Adventist favorite bait--SETTING A DATE!



    1 December 1916 Memorial Edition of the Watch Tower represented Rutherford, Van Amburgh, Macmillan and many others, including those who would later become Rutherford's adversaries, also expressed the same view.

    Paul S. L. Johnson wrote: "His official relation to the pilgrims can be understood when we recognize the office to which the Lord was pleased to call him, i.e., to be the special channel for giving the 'meat in due season,' as well as for arranging and directing the work of the household of faith" (p. R6006-6007).

    Also E. W. V. Kuehn wrote: "Eminently chosen of the Lord (Matthew 24:45) to serve the 'household of faith with meat in due season,' and elsewhere (Ezekiel 9:2, 11) described as the 'man in linen with the writer's inkhorn at his side,' HE HAS DONE AS HE WAS COMMANDED, finished the work given to him, and has entered upon his reward" (p. R6011).

    The congregation in Duluth, Minnesota, wrote a letter stating that "we hereby humbly bow before his unerring decision in taking from us that 'faithful servant' and render thanks for the many blessings received through his ministrations" (p. R6018).

    The Albany congregation passed a resolution stating that "it has pleased our heavenly Father in his infinite wisdom to take from our midst 'that servant,' our dearly beloved Pastor and brother" (p. R6019).

    The congregation in Prince Rupert, British Columbia, wrote: "Though your loss and ours as well is very painful, yet how we can rejoice to know our dearly beloved Pastor, 'that servant,' has finished his course in joy and has heard that 'Well done' " (p. R6020).

    More letters from other congregations were published in the 1 and 15 January 1917 issues. The Springfield, Massachusetts, congregation wrote that "We realize with sorrow our great loss in the passing over of 'that wise and faithful servant' " (p. R6030).

    The Wheeling, West Virginia, congregation wrote that "keenly do we feel the loss of him who ... provided that which is 'meat in due season for the household of faith' " (p. R6030).

    The Allentown, Philadelphia, congregation wrote: "We realize that in the death of our Beloved Pastor we have lost that 'faithful and wise steward' " (p. R6030).

    The Cleveland, Ohio, congregation wrote that that "our Lord Jesus, the Chief Reaper, had especially chosen our Pastor as his mouth-piece and servant" (p. R6036).

  • Terry

    1917, the publisher's preface to the book, The Finished Mystery, issued as a posthumous publication of Russell's writings, identified him as the "faithful and wise servant" appointed by Christ; as late as 1923, the Watch Tower repeated the same belief about his role, declaring: "We believe that all who are now rejoicing in present truth will concede that Brother Russell faithfully filled the office of special servant of the Lord; and that he was made ruler over all the Lord's goods ... Brother Russell occupied the office of that 'faithful and wise servant'."

    OBVIOUSLY the question of LEGITIMACY was gnawing away at the community of End Times crazies!

    2/3 decided Judge Rutherford was NOT their guy.

    Why? Rutherford had tried keep all the goodies Russell had offered:

    1. the Great Pyramid as Jehovah's witness in stone

    2. Invisible Jesus' second advent in 1874

    3. Exciting dates for the end

    4. Pastor Russell (dead-alive) edited the Watchtower from heaven as the "FDS"


    It just wasn't working very well.


    1927, Watch Tower Society president Joseph Rutherford reverted to Russell's original viewpoint, announcing that the "servant" was not an individual, but was made up of the entire body of faithful spirit-anointed Christians.


    Did you see what the Judge did there?

    Did you catch it?

    From Maria Ackley Russell's imagination to her husband Pastor Russell, and now to Rutherford's ORGANIZATION

    the EVOLUTION of the GB was well under way!

    Things were really going to CHANGE from then onward!


  • runForever

    thanks for the info but I'm not going to praise Maria Russell for misleading tons of people. She was a charlatan as well.

  • Terry

    23 years later: 1950 issue of The Watchtower assigned to the "mother organization"—in reference to the Watch Tower Society—the task of feeding Christians "meat in due season."

    1951 the magazine defined the "faithful and discreet slave" as a class of people whose teachings were imparted through a theocratic organization.

    Until 1971/1972, the person who was the PRESIDENT of the Watchtower Corporation was the de facto leader of the governing body.

    However, a kind of coup d'etat suddenly occurred. On the eve of a very important END DATE of 1975--leadership was wrested out of the hands of just one man and given to an elite rotating group of leaders instead.

    Why? The one leader--Nathan Knorr--had allowed a crazy prediction to go viral as an inevitable public embarrassment. 1975 might well

    destroy the entire Organization! Attorneys, advisors, company men alike scrambled to prepare for the damage.

    The Governing Body voted in December 1975 to establish six operating committees to oversee the various administrative requirement of the organization's worldwide activities that formerly had been under the direction of the president; furthermore, each branch overseer was to be replaced by a branch committee of at least three members.

    The change, which took effect on January 1, 1976, was described in the Watch Tower Society's 1993 history book, Jehovah's Witnesses—Proclaimers of God's Kingdom , as "one of the most significant organizational readjustments in the modern-day history of Jehovah's Witnesses." (

    1. Jehovah's Witnesses–Proclaimers of God's Kingdom. Watch Tower Society. 1993. pp. 108–109.)

    By 1980, a frightening PURGE began to strike fear into the heart of the headquarters as all non-Loyalists were hounded by an Inquisition and banished from the new arrangement.

    By the year 2000 Governing Body was described as the representative and "spokesman" for God's "faithful and discreet slave class".

  • Terry

    thanks for the info but I'm not going to praise Maria Russell for misleading tons of people. She was a charlatan as well.


    Not my purpose!

    Not 1 JW among 500 would succeed in identifying A WOMAN as the originator of the CENTRAL DOCTRINE of the religion.

    How can they defend or explain it?

    The answer is: they cannot!


  • designs

    Nice research.


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