Welcome! Looking forward to hearing more from you.
synchronicity - the simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.
today is the first day of the rest of my life.
Welcome! Looking forward to hearing more from you.
well, it's finally happened!.
im no longer an ms.. as many would know from our chats via this forum, i've seen it coming for a while....and while the way it was done stinks, i'm really happy to finally be free!.
(would love to share more details...i will do in time...or perhaps a pm would be best).
on jw tv.
anthony morris is ranting against higher education.
he is blaming parents for enrolling their kids in college.
This bullshit is what woke me up to TTATT (excuse my language) Now I must watch to see what I will be listening to at the hall and unfortunately other places. Every time Tony Morris gets the mic. he turns into Joe Biden. He gets diarrhea of the mouth and offends a minimum of 2 million people. At least Biden's rants are just off-script. Its pathetic really.
"one member of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses repeated the well-known saying: 'to know where we are going, we have to know where we have come from.'".
you will find this statement on jw.org - under activities - the museum - "a tour through time.
there jw.org is featuring a slick advertisement for the tour at brooklyn, bethel, of watchtower's museum containing their version of the history of the organization.
feb kingdom ministry 2015, irate householders, "we don't apologize for our work", "did they hear rumors about jws"?
why so angry?
blood or disfellowshipping?.
i remember the first time i was hit with my loves cult personality.
knowing the real him, my jaw dropped witnessing this switch.
i thought he had lost it.
You would have to check with the Diagnostic Statistical Manual V for a sure set criteria for a M.P.D. diagnosis. I'm confident your husband doesn't have it though.
i remember the first time i was hit with my loves cult personality.
knowing the real him, my jaw dropped witnessing this switch.
i thought he had lost it.
M.P.D. is a medical diagnosis. The condition described in Hassan's first book causes overlying behaviors associated with dissociative disorders, however as another poster has mentioned, and as Hassan himself mentioned: many times professionals misdiagnose conditions when they don't understand the dynamics of cult mind control. In the case of your partner, it is most likely just the indoctrination sessions.
Best Wishes,
the new forum originally had a little country flag next to each post showing the country that the post was made from based on the geoip encoding (the country the ip address is from).
before i switched over to the new site someone made an issue about it violating their privacy and i didn't want to complicate and confuse the switchover with policy debate at the same time as technical issues so removed the flags even though i disagreed.. someone has already requested it as a feature and i think it should be added back so i thought it's now time to open the discussion and get everyone's opinions.
first, the reason i think it should be shown:.