Posts by ToesUp
JWs With A Financial Interest In The Org
by JW_Rogue inthrough personal experiences which i'd rather not relate because it would give away my identity i have come to a realization.
many brothers own businesses that a greatly supported by witness activities.
when local congregations need some service they will prefer to do business with a jw.
Anyone remember Mighty Distributing? a.k.a. Mighty Auto Parts. 90% of all the franchisee's were witnesses and the Mighty Corporate owner's were VIP's with the U.S. branch bethel leadership. You had an automatic trust of the "brotherhood". Many millionaires were created because of the "brotherhood"! Follow the money! -
Does it say anything in the bible about being a “spiritual head” or the head being responsible for everyone’s “spiritual growth”?
by My Name is of No Consequence inmy wife is really getting on my case about not being spiritual and leading the family spiritually.
at this point, i really dont go to meetings anymore nor do i have the desire to go.
i guess its not enough that i work 50 hours a week and pay the majority of the household bills with no complaints.
Spirituality to the JW's equals tasks. We have met so many Elders wives who absolutely need their husband to be an Elder (a somebody in the Congregation).
She should be grateful that you provide well for your family and work hard. Sounds to me like she wants you to be a "somebody" in the congregation. We have seen several sisters in the Hall like this. If there husbands were removed or stepped down they (the wives) would be devastated. like hell from this cult disguised as a religion.
Never give up on those stuck in the org
by Diogenesister inhi, i know posting links here is not always popular and appologies if you've seen this but i heartily recommend reading this fantastic bio.
i guess what you'll take from it is to never give up on anyone stuck in a cult and also an examle of real unconditional love in this case 33 years of rejection, patiently waiting until their daughter needed them.
Great story! Thanks for sharing. You are right...never give up. We used to be in the same mind set as all of the JW's but you never know when someone will have an "ah ha" moment. -
Hi all, the prodigal daughter returns to JWD.
by cattails init's been four years (has it really been that long) that i haven't been on jwd.. i was back out west for a long while and i came back to new england.
just got an appartment with another sister and things are looking up.
i'm keeping under the radar and avoiding elder visits--not fully out of the kingdom hall yet.
Welcome back! Hope you can escape soon. Freedom is wonderful! -
Lowell Mass. City Manager Says The JWs Are Welcome Anytime For Their Conventions!
by minimus inas a matter of fact, he plans on bringing out info to the lowell city council as to how much of a positive impact the conventions were, that were held in the city.
evidently, a lot of money was brought in to the city's restaurants and lodging.. go witnesses!!!
Of course they welcome the JW's. Who doesn't like money? lol -
All quiet on the western front
by campaign of hate inrecently it seems very quiet in jw land.. jw broadcasting has been in full swing for months now, nobody bats an eye lid at that anymore.. so the question is, what is next?
the next organisation change, the next doctrine change.
it seems like this is the quiet before the storm.. the way things are going, it's almost like they try and one up their last change, things in jw land get that bit more crazy every year.. i'm hedging my bets toward a monthly public talk broadcast straight from new york.
The worshiping of the governing body will continue.
Family visiting Bethel taking a picture with brother Lett.
Maybe they will start charging for their photographs?
The 1995 Generation Change
by sloppyjoe2 ini was just a teenager and have a vivid memory of sitting in a chair doing a microphone for the sunday meeting.
everyone was commenting that it didn't mean the end was far off, and it didn't change the condition of the dead, or the 144,000, or the trinity so we should still remain faithful.
this is my first memory as a kid being just a teen that i ever had a single doubt.
Our whole faith was based on this teaching. They got caught with their pants down when all the old timers were dying. It had NOTHING to do with holy spirit. They moved the finish line for so many, leaving so many discouraged and beaten down. I believe it has shaken many. Including us! -
thanks jah, for her win... say serena williams?
by sowhatnow in
a huffington post link to an article where serena williams 'secret weapon' is you know who..... interesting read .
Thanks, Jah!
The new face of JW's. Praise Jah, then do what ever you want! You know many JW teens love this...hopefully some can see the double standards!
See, mom and dad...I can go to college and still serve Jah! Just look at the William sisters!
New grandson!
by mimimimi inour youngest son and his wife (matt and star) welcomed a baby boy yesterday at 7:04 p.m. ivan tomas, 7 lbs.
11 oz., 20 1/4" long.
he is their second child.
He's precious! Congrats! Enjoy every minute with him!!! -
GB Spirit directed writing - October 2015 Awake
by Listener inthe awake oct 2015 is now up on jw org.. one article talks about young adults returning to their parents home and tries to give them some advice.. one of the highlighted comments are these magical words.
<<remember, more important than what you do is becoming proficient at what you do.>>.
i don't see how it's more important to become more proficient in that window washing job than working towards a more interesting and better paying job.
"Don't go to school and learn to do something that provides a decent paycheck!!!"
But still send us all of your money!!! Hey GB...window washers and janitors don't make much to send you.
If they were smart they would encourage young ones to go get an education so they could send them all of their money. The real problem Anthony Morris once said, "in college you will have to take Philosophy". Philosophy will let the college student know that the JW cult is BS.